Posted December 21, 2011

Official Bastard
Registered: Jan 2010
From United Kingdom

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted December 21, 2011
"Hey Bundy! I found a key earlier, let's see if it fits."
I try the key in the lock.
I try the key in the lock.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted December 21, 2011

oh great a locked box in side just my luck,
Waddling around at the Day Room for a bit, you wonder suddenly if anything is on TV that's worth watching. Going over to the room's TV area you switch on the old color set, fiddling with the rabbit ears as you try to get a picture.......then you realize two things: 1. It isn't on., and 2. When you do turn it on it doesn't appear to be working.
Checking the knobs you determine that they seem to be in fine order, so you look around the set to see what's the matter. It doesn't take long to find the culprit. A jagged set of bitemarks has torn the power cord in several places. "Dammit, if only i'd majored in tv repair like Sally Struthers said to." you muse, as you contemplate trying to fix it anyways. This is BEFORE you see the oddly familiar hole, and accompanying bite marks. "Oh nuts to me and jolly Christmas." you say to yourself as you quickly look around the TV area for something you can block the hole with. On one shelf under the old set are a bunch of throw pillows for the hard backed chairs situated nearby.....grabbing a few of them you stuff them one by one into the hole. Hoping it will be enough to keep whatever nasties lurk within at bay.
As you do so, however, you find someone has hidden an individually wrapped oatmeal raisin cookie between the pillows. Picking it up and seeing that it seems fresh enough to eat later, you put it with your other effects as you listen to the now sealed hole for any signs of life within.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted December 21, 2011
Trying the small key in the lock, you wonder if it'll work at all, what with the string of crap luck you've had searching this area so far. Turning it one way then the other, you find that it does indeed fit, and the key turns smoothly in the lock with a tiny *click*. The Box is now unlocked.
Opening the box itself with some hesitation you find that it contians a few interesting items. One is another logbook, albeit smaller and bound in leather with the words "Genesis Project monitoring" written in bold letters on the front. Opening it and flipping through a few pages, you find that it mainly seems to contain obscure "coded" references to times and dates associated with various letter/number combinations.....such as "P23857 1 unit 08:00 hours 9/25/08", "P13423 units withheld(see addendum) for two days.", and "P32491, part of control group, no units allowed."
Under the logbook you find something even more interesting....a bag FULL of about 3-4 dozen more of those odd glowing nodules that was found earlier in the Day Room. Putting two and two together, you realize that perhaps it possibly wasn't so wise to drink the free juice during break time after all(or eat anything for that matter). The best conclusion you can draw is that someone had been conducting illegal drug experiments of some sort on some of the patients here. What effects that might have had on your fellow bunkmates remains to be seen, but you decide to at least keep an eye on everyone else anyways.....what with the crazy happenings that had been happening for the past few hours and all. "Better safe than sorry I guess.....but I should tell everyone else here about this and see if anyone knows anything or makes some sort of tell apparent that I can pick up on." you think to yourself as you go back into the Day Room and lay the box on the group meeting table(being careful to keep it a bit away from the tank with the creature in it and all.), asking everyone else if they knew anything about it & telling them your findings so far.
OOC: Dammit doublepost....:(.
Also updated DayRoom map is on page 1, in OP post.
Opening the box itself with some hesitation you find that it contians a few interesting items. One is another logbook, albeit smaller and bound in leather with the words "Genesis Project monitoring" written in bold letters on the front. Opening it and flipping through a few pages, you find that it mainly seems to contain obscure "coded" references to times and dates associated with various letter/number combinations.....such as "P23857 1 unit 08:00 hours 9/25/08", "P13423 units withheld(see addendum) for two days.", and "P32491, part of control group, no units allowed."
Under the logbook you find something even more interesting....a bag FULL of about 3-4 dozen more of those odd glowing nodules that was found earlier in the Day Room. Putting two and two together, you realize that perhaps it possibly wasn't so wise to drink the free juice during break time after all(or eat anything for that matter). The best conclusion you can draw is that someone had been conducting illegal drug experiments of some sort on some of the patients here. What effects that might have had on your fellow bunkmates remains to be seen, but you decide to at least keep an eye on everyone else anyways.....what with the crazy happenings that had been happening for the past few hours and all. "Better safe than sorry I guess.....but I should tell everyone else here about this and see if anyone knows anything or makes some sort of tell apparent that I can pick up on." you think to yourself as you go back into the Day Room and lay the box on the group meeting table(being careful to keep it a bit away from the tank with the creature in it and all.), asking everyone else if they knew anything about it & telling them your findings so far.
OOC: Dammit doublepost....:(.
Also updated DayRoom map is on page 1, in OP post.
Post edited December 21, 2011 by GameRager

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted December 22, 2011
I steadily become weary of shouting and my fists begin to ache. I remember my individually wrapped oatmeal and raisin cookie that I had smuggled in for me from the outside and check the pocket of my jacket for it. But damn, I must have misplaced it somewhere.
Sulkily I examine my own memory with regards to how there is thick plantlife growing up a fence on the balcony of a building two floors above ground level.
Being done I notice mister Tanner with his discovery.
"Where'd you find this?" I ask him, having a rummage through the box, flicking through the notebook without bothering to look at the pages. When I see the shiny things I get a little weirded out. Waving them in his face I hiss at Tanner "WHY do you have these?? What are you going to do with them eh??"
Sulkily I examine my own memory with regards to how there is thick plantlife growing up a fence on the balcony of a building two floors above ground level.
Being done I notice mister Tanner with his discovery.
"Where'd you find this?" I ask him, having a rummage through the box, flicking through the notebook without bothering to look at the pages. When I see the shiny things I get a little weirded out. Waving them in his face I hiss at Tanner "WHY do you have these?? What are you going to do with them eh??"

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted December 22, 2011
OOC: There are planters(stonework) on ledges surrounding the fencing, filled with plants. Sorry if this wasn't apparent from what I wrote.
As you pick up the bag of....well, whatever they accidentally cause a few to spill out onto the table. One falls into the tank through a hole in the top........the creature sees it and scrambles at it, gobbling it down without a second thought. As you clamber to gather the rest of the things back into the bag you don't notice this and the ensuing permutations that start to occur within the cage.....the creature suddenly goes near catatonic, growing and shifting in size ever so slightly, shedding it's scales as it does so.
Looking at the cage after the creatures starts to shake and make a commotion, you all notice that it is now almost double in size, with much bigger teeth and a sharp spiked protrusion on it's tail.
"Oh crap." you say as you watch it get back up in it's new it does so it starts pacing the cage as it eyes the bag on the table ever more hungrily now. "Why is it drawn to these things so damn much? And what the heck is it anyways?"
As you pick up the bag of....well, whatever they accidentally cause a few to spill out onto the table. One falls into the tank through a hole in the top........the creature sees it and scrambles at it, gobbling it down without a second thought. As you clamber to gather the rest of the things back into the bag you don't notice this and the ensuing permutations that start to occur within the cage.....the creature suddenly goes near catatonic, growing and shifting in size ever so slightly, shedding it's scales as it does so.
Looking at the cage after the creatures starts to shake and make a commotion, you all notice that it is now almost double in size, with much bigger teeth and a sharp spiked protrusion on it's tail.
"Oh crap." you say as you watch it get back up in it's new it does so it starts pacing the cage as it eyes the bag on the table ever more hungrily now. "Why is it drawn to these things so damn much? And what the heck is it anyways?"
Post edited December 23, 2011 by GameRager

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted December 23, 2011
I watch the glowing widget fall splendidly into the glass tank, and my eyes boggle as the unearthly fish actually EATS the whateveritis.
When the fish begins to visibly change shape I feel as though all the blood in my body is running through my legs and down into the floor,
"Oh Crap!" I half-scream. Grabbing Mr Tanner by the sleeve I run through to the patio dragging him behind me. As I go I manage to shout to him "WHY is it drawn to these... THINGS so damn much? And WHAT THE HECK IS IT ANYWAY?"
Arriving outside I fall among the carnage and conduct a thorough yet disgusting search of the animal corpses for traces of weirdy green glow without waiting for a reply from the taxidermist.
When the fish begins to visibly change shape I feel as though all the blood in my body is running through my legs and down into the floor,
"Oh Crap!" I half-scream. Grabbing Mr Tanner by the sleeve I run through to the patio dragging him behind me. As I go I manage to shout to him "WHY is it drawn to these... THINGS so damn much? And WHAT THE HECK IS IT ANYWAY?"
Arriving outside I fall among the carnage and conduct a thorough yet disgusting search of the animal corpses for traces of weirdy green glow without waiting for a reply from the taxidermist.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted December 23, 2011
You run out onto the patio after the spectacle you just witnessed, hoping to get a breath of fresh air as well as to get as far away from that THING in the next room as possible for the time being. Looking around at nothing in particular you spot the pile of dead birds and rats in the one corner......staring at it out of morbid curiosity & wondering if whatever had ended their lives would bring harm to you next.
Looking over the remains you notice nothing much in the way of oddity beyond putrid decaying flesh and fluids. You are about to turn around and perhaps sit down on a bench when you spot it out of the corner of your eye.....something MOVING in the pile of remains. Thinking that maybe one of the things is still alive, you go over to the pile ready to put it out of it's misery. As you do so, you notice that something is BURROWING around inside of one of the dead you draw closer it seems to sense your approach, and it lurches out of the carcass it had been gnawing at.
"Not another one of those buggers......." you say as you see it.......another one of the creatures has crawled out of one of the dead animals, and is crawling towards you, it's teeth barred as it scuttles closer. It seems to have been injured slightly though as it bleeds from several small wounds on it's side. Perhaps one of the now dead animals had something to do with it? Regardless, it is coming closer.
What do you do?
OOC: Do you attack it or run back to the Day Room? Either way eventually someone will have to do something about it and you have nowhere to put it as the tank is full.
Looking over the remains you notice nothing much in the way of oddity beyond putrid decaying flesh and fluids. You are about to turn around and perhaps sit down on a bench when you spot it out of the corner of your eye.....something MOVING in the pile of remains. Thinking that maybe one of the things is still alive, you go over to the pile ready to put it out of it's misery. As you do so, you notice that something is BURROWING around inside of one of the dead you draw closer it seems to sense your approach, and it lurches out of the carcass it had been gnawing at.
"Not another one of those buggers......." you say as you see it.......another one of the creatures has crawled out of one of the dead animals, and is crawling towards you, it's teeth barred as it scuttles closer. It seems to have been injured slightly though as it bleeds from several small wounds on it's side. Perhaps one of the now dead animals had something to do with it? Regardless, it is coming closer.
What do you do?
OOC: Do you attack it or run back to the Day Room? Either way eventually someone will have to do something about it and you have nowhere to put it as the tank is full.

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted December 23, 2011
Practice violence upon creature!!

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Consultant Liar
Registered: Jun 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted December 23, 2011
attempt to whip creature into submission with chain

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted December 23, 2011
You swing wildly at the creature as it gets closer, missing the first time but hitting home with the second. A sickeningly wet sounding krrrunch is heard as you cut through it's outer shell & pierce it's guts. As you do it stops for a moment and you think it dead, but sadly this is not the starts to move a bit faster and comes at you with as it emits a shrill chittering noise so you swing your chain at it again and again, slicing at it multiple times before it has a chance to sink it's teeth into your meaty bits. Crying out a final piercing shriek, the creature falls to the ground completely.
"Finally.....but now look at me's all messy." you mumble as you kick the creature to make sure it's dead before inspecting it for a moment out of curiosity. Out of the newly opened wounds in it's body reddish blood and other fluids pour into a small puddle nearby, it's limbs immobile and it's eyes still.
"Meh, i'll let the others handle the examinations.....for now I gots to get this thing clean again." you say to yourself as you head back into the Day Room to wash your chain off in the sink there.
"Finally.....but now look at me's all messy." you mumble as you kick the creature to make sure it's dead before inspecting it for a moment out of curiosity. Out of the newly opened wounds in it's body reddish blood and other fluids pour into a small puddle nearby, it's limbs immobile and it's eyes still.
"Meh, i'll let the others handle the examinations.....for now I gots to get this thing clean again." you say to yourself as you head back into the Day Room to wash your chain off in the sink there.
Post edited December 23, 2011 by GameRager

Sleep I need
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted December 24, 2011
I quickly run over to the table to see the odd glowing nodules. “What the sam hell are they” I yell, “this can’t be any good”
I turn to Coleman to tell him about the locked drawer and lockbox just in time to watch the nodules fall into the creature’s cage. O’ crap the creature just eat one and now look what’s happening” I proclaim jumping away from the cage. “What the hell are those, some type of male enhancement pills gone wrong?”
See Coleman make a mad dash for the door I quickly run after stopping in the door way not sure what to do. I turn back making sure the creature was not able to break free of the cage. “Shit just got real boys” I reach down grabbing my trusty “Shoe 2,876 Sale Stopper” (a standard issue weapon for any shoe salesman use for protection from woman during big sales) I cock my shoe and arm the leaser aiming system. Just then the battle starts behind me. Watching Coleman whip the small creature to death I shake my head, “wow that man knows how to use a whistle chain” I think to my self.
I return to the cage and stand next to the table. I pick up the rest of the fallen nodules making sure none more will fall into the cage.
“I think we need to kill this creature, who with me?”
I turn to Coleman to tell him about the locked drawer and lockbox just in time to watch the nodules fall into the creature’s cage. O’ crap the creature just eat one and now look what’s happening” I proclaim jumping away from the cage. “What the hell are those, some type of male enhancement pills gone wrong?”
See Coleman make a mad dash for the door I quickly run after stopping in the door way not sure what to do. I turn back making sure the creature was not able to break free of the cage. “Shit just got real boys” I reach down grabbing my trusty “Shoe 2,876 Sale Stopper” (a standard issue weapon for any shoe salesman use for protection from woman during big sales) I cock my shoe and arm the leaser aiming system. Just then the battle starts behind me. Watching Coleman whip the small creature to death I shake my head, “wow that man knows how to use a whistle chain” I think to my self.
I return to the cage and stand next to the table. I pick up the rest of the fallen nodules making sure none more will fall into the cage.
“I think we need to kill this creature, who with me?”
Post edited December 24, 2011 by Barnell

my name is catte
i touch your foods
Registered: Mar 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted December 24, 2011
"Coleman, maybe if you eat one of those glowing things they'll give you superpowers?"
I head back onto the balcony to conduct an autopsy on the creature.
"Where was this creature was when I examined the animals?" I wonder.
I head back onto the balcony to conduct an autopsy on the creature.
"Where was this creature was when I examined the animals?" I wonder.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted December 24, 2011
Barnell's reply: You contemplate killing the creature in the cage, and ask for a show of hands.
Everyone else seems preoccupied at the moment.
OOC: (Lol you can't kill clues silly. ;)...)
SPF's reply: Going to see what has been going on on the patio, you come just in time to see Coleman heading back into the Day Room as he mutters something about "mah chain is dirty" & "no good creatures have no respect".....wondering what is going on you notice another creature has been found and apparently sliced & diced to bits by Coleman.
"I always knew that bloke had a temper......but damn." you think to yourself as you go over to the now dead creature. Picking it's remains up carefully you lay them on the nearby bench, preparing to examine them in more detail. Examining the mouth cavity you note the very apparent razor sharp point teeth, which seem to be arrayed in two rows on the bottom and top of it's mouth. Whatever this thing is, it's apparent to anyone with half a brain that it's a carnivore.
Using your scalpel you dissect the main mass of the creature as best you can(especially with all the deep cuts left by Coleman.), searching for easily identifiable organs and systems. Oddly enough you note that the creature has both gills & lungs, meaning that the creature could possibly survive underwater. Why it has them and exactly how long it could remain submerged is a mystery to you though.
Everything else you examine seems to resemble that of various arthropods you've dissected in the past, like the time you dissected your deceased lobster pet Lenny.......heart, stomach, etc.
"Too bad it isn't winter." you say to yourself. "We could open some windows and wait until they all died out."
Poking around in the chest cavity you discover something odd though.....two greenish looking sacs with what look like tubes(not artificial but like arteries or veins) leading towards the head and also towards the tail. "Hmm....poison sacs maybe? Some sort of digestive mixture perhaps for when it feeds?" you wonder, as you follow the tubes through the now sliced open throat to just behind the mouth area. "Looks like they connect to the teeth themselves.......better be careful and tell everyone when i'm done to not let these things bite them." you mumble to yourself, as you continue following the other tubes toward the tail, slicing the tail itself vertically but not too deep so as to pierce the tubes themselves. Inside the tail you find the vertebrae continue on for a bit into the tail itself, and the tubes follow right alongside it, seemingly ending at a secondary fluid sac near the tip of the tail. "And I better tell them to watch the tail of these things as well." you think as you continue your autopsy.
Checking for any sign of reproductive organs you can find none.......which is odd to say the least. "If they have no reproductive organs how do they multiply? And where are they coming from?" you wonder.
After finishing up your autopsy and not finding much else of note or interest(well not in this specimen anyways, with it being beat to crap and all), you go back into the Day Room and tell everyone your findings.
Everyone else seems preoccupied at the moment.
OOC: (Lol you can't kill clues silly. ;)...)
SPF's reply: Going to see what has been going on on the patio, you come just in time to see Coleman heading back into the Day Room as he mutters something about "mah chain is dirty" & "no good creatures have no respect".....wondering what is going on you notice another creature has been found and apparently sliced & diced to bits by Coleman.
"I always knew that bloke had a temper......but damn." you think to yourself as you go over to the now dead creature. Picking it's remains up carefully you lay them on the nearby bench, preparing to examine them in more detail. Examining the mouth cavity you note the very apparent razor sharp point teeth, which seem to be arrayed in two rows on the bottom and top of it's mouth. Whatever this thing is, it's apparent to anyone with half a brain that it's a carnivore.
Using your scalpel you dissect the main mass of the creature as best you can(especially with all the deep cuts left by Coleman.), searching for easily identifiable organs and systems. Oddly enough you note that the creature has both gills & lungs, meaning that the creature could possibly survive underwater. Why it has them and exactly how long it could remain submerged is a mystery to you though.
Everything else you examine seems to resemble that of various arthropods you've dissected in the past, like the time you dissected your deceased lobster pet Lenny.......heart, stomach, etc.
"Too bad it isn't winter." you say to yourself. "We could open some windows and wait until they all died out."
Poking around in the chest cavity you discover something odd though.....two greenish looking sacs with what look like tubes(not artificial but like arteries or veins) leading towards the head and also towards the tail. "Hmm....poison sacs maybe? Some sort of digestive mixture perhaps for when it feeds?" you wonder, as you follow the tubes through the now sliced open throat to just behind the mouth area. "Looks like they connect to the teeth themselves.......better be careful and tell everyone when i'm done to not let these things bite them." you mumble to yourself, as you continue following the other tubes toward the tail, slicing the tail itself vertically but not too deep so as to pierce the tubes themselves. Inside the tail you find the vertebrae continue on for a bit into the tail itself, and the tubes follow right alongside it, seemingly ending at a secondary fluid sac near the tip of the tail. "And I better tell them to watch the tail of these things as well." you think as you continue your autopsy.
Checking for any sign of reproductive organs you can find none.......which is odd to say the least. "If they have no reproductive organs how do they multiply? And where are they coming from?" you wonder.
After finishing up your autopsy and not finding much else of note or interest(well not in this specimen anyways, with it being beat to crap and all), you go back into the Day Room and tell everyone your findings.
Post edited December 24, 2011 by GameRager