Posted May 14, 2011

Kwisatz Haderach
Registered: Jan 2011
From Australia

32 Bit World
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted May 14, 2011
If you buy the PC version of DA:O, is it DRM free?

Registered: Nov 2008
From Sweden

New User
Registered: Nov 2010
From Singapore
Posted May 14, 2011
I thoroughly enjoyed DA:O, but did not like ME1 at all.
I thoroughly enjoyed DA:O, but did not like ME1 at all.

New User
Registered: Mar 2011
From Austria
Posted May 14, 2011
dragon age is ok but it has too much combat filler and the main plot is a Lord of the Rings rip off. mass effect 1 is ok but the shooting part is poorly done, i would not compare to a good pc ego-shooter. But mass effect 1 has a refreshing setting. Mass effect 2 and dragon age 2 are not worth bothering.

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland
Posted May 14, 2011
Dragon Age: Origins is a great game, with touching and mature story, with many moral choices (I really loved the part with "demon child" in the Mage tower), nice relations between party members and more.
Mass Effect 1 - I enjoyed it, but not as much as I expected. Many boring sideplots involved
Mass Effect 2 - on the other hand - the best game of 2010 IMHO. Because of it's EPIC STORY and characters. I trully love Miranda Lawson to the grave, haha.
Mass Effect 1 - I enjoyed it, but not as much as I expected. Many boring sideplots involved
Mass Effect 2 - on the other hand - the best game of 2010 IMHO. Because of it's EPIC STORY and characters. I trully love Miranda Lawson to the grave, haha.

Registered: Feb 2010
From Finland
Posted May 14, 2011
Oh, and if it's not said here before, all of these games have excellent voice acting. Especially Mordin. When he sings.

Registered: Dec 2009
From Poland

Registered: Feb 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted May 14, 2011
You get that included if you buy the PC version I consider it more a part that was missing from the game at release and was patched in than a DLC

Chaos Incarnate
Registered: Apr 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted May 14, 2011

Mass Effect 1 - I enjoyed it, but not as much as I expected. Many boring sideplots involved
Mass Effect 2 - on the other hand - the best game of 2010 IMHO. Because of it's EPIC STORY and characters. I trully love Miranda Lawson to the grave, haha.

New User
Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted May 14, 2011
I just viewed videos for both games on youtube.
Blah. Why don't I just replay KotoR? Or better yet, I could just buy Neverwinter Nights and pretend I actually like post-KotoR Bioware. The last Bioware game I played was Jade Empire, and I never got around to finishing it because I lost interest, much like when I first tried (and subsequently sold) Neverwinter Nights when it was first released.
Eh, I still might try them out wayyy in the future. They look really boring though, to be honest. They'll have to hit retail stores in a much cheaper package if I'm going to play them.
I guess I was just hoping that Bioware had actually improved some over the past decade. If they're going to use this style then the least they could do is get these other characters out of the way, speed up the gameplay a little, and finally realize they suck at RPG mechanics.
Blah. Why don't I just replay KotoR? Or better yet, I could just buy Neverwinter Nights and pretend I actually like post-KotoR Bioware. The last Bioware game I played was Jade Empire, and I never got around to finishing it because I lost interest, much like when I first tried (and subsequently sold) Neverwinter Nights when it was first released.
Eh, I still might try them out wayyy in the future. They look really boring though, to be honest. They'll have to hit retail stores in a much cheaper package if I'm going to play them.
I guess I was just hoping that Bioware had actually improved some over the past decade. If they're going to use this style then the least they could do is get these other characters out of the way, speed up the gameplay a little, and finally realize they suck at RPG mechanics.
Post edited May 14, 2011 by PaladinHeart

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From United States
Posted May 14, 2011

Blah. Why don't I just replay KotoR? Or better yet, I could just buy Neverwinter Nights and pretend I actually like post-KotoR Bioware.
Eh, I still might try them out wayyy in the future. They look really boring though, to be honest. They'll have to hit retail stores in a much cheaper package if I'm going to play them.
I guess I was just hoping that Bioware had actually improved some over the past decade.

New User
Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted May 14, 2011
That's what I was thinking, from watching the videos, that the games look more like stories with interactive tidbits (or chores). I can get a book, nay, several books, for much cheaper than $10.
But anyways, thanks again everyone for all the delightful feedback. I'm gonna go play Sims Medieval. =]
But anyways, thanks again everyone for all the delightful feedback. I'm gonna go play Sims Medieval. =]

Mad and Green
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted May 14, 2011

witty title
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted May 14, 2011

But anyways, thanks again everyone for all the delightful feedback. I'm gonna go play Sims Medieval. =]
Both are games, and have plenty of gameplay in them. However both are very dialogue heavy as well.
MEI/II are considered two of the best rpg's in recent years for a reason. IT has one of the best fleshed out sci fi settings/stories you will find in a video game. Not to mention it allows you the control of how things unfold along with side-characters who have depth and stories to uncover behind them.
The things within the game you won't find in a book. Most great sci fi novels don't have the ability to let you decide how certain thing swill unfold, who lives, who dies, what to save or not to. This is something ME does along with great voice acting, plenty of gameplay and action (ME2 is more actiony then the first, and imo better for it).
Dragon AGe is a slower paced game, with it's party-combat focus it is like Baldur's Gate. However the characters, like in ME, all have a great depth to them. Things you'll find out about them and uncover thorughotu the game getting to know them. Along with it's gameplay and the epic-feeling storyline. I highly recommend it as well.
I do not know why you would assume they are just interactive movies. A game play MGS4, or Heavy Rain would be far ahead of them as far as that goes. Both ME/DA offers a lot of gameplay and combat along with the excellent storylines.