Posted October 21, 2011

New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From Latvia

Meat Eater
Registered: Apr 2011
From Brazil
Posted October 21, 2011
In my opinion:
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
FallOut 3
I actually like these games (except for Halo) but they are overrated, I blame the fans.
I'll edit the post if I remember some more games
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
FallOut 3
I actually like these games (except for Halo) but they are overrated, I blame the fans.
I'll edit the post if I remember some more games

New User
Registered: Aug 2011
From Norway
Posted October 21, 2011

Another game that no one but me seems to dislike is Dragon Age 1 and 2. They are praised for their immersive storyline, original storytelling and great combat system, I think all of these fails to be more than average. The story is typical high fantasy from start to finish with hardly any surprises, number 2 being the absolute worst (I found it boring, even). The combat in Origins was ok, it was fun and strategic, if not somewhat repetitive. In number 2, they somehow managed to make the story even more generic and the combat less strategic and more repetitive. I can't understand how people think these are EPIC games.
Oh, and...IMO.

While you are somewhat right about DA1 - as in loved by largely everyone, you must be new to the gaming continent of Internetz as well - and not too far into it, otherwise you would've noticed that black, barren, still smouldering wasteland left by red hot flames of fan reaction to DA2.
Another game that got favorable reviews was Killzone 3. That game is the most standard shooter I've ever played, and considering the extreme resemblance to Killzone 1 and 2, I think it deserves 5/10 at most.

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted October 21, 2011

Um... err... Yea, I liked Fallout 3, but that ... That was really, really fucking stupid :D
[Science] This is unnatural. You should kill yourself.

Don't Panic
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted October 22, 2011
Here's some moans about Daikatana I don't think anyone else has made in this thread yet
1 When I played through it (and I did play through it, even used GameFAQs to find all the Dopefish) I ended up having to use a level skip cheat to avoid a system crash (or it might have just been the game that crashed out) when I got to this part where a wizard I was chasing went and ran up a tree - serious, NPC in a tree = system crash, not very professional!
2 The Quake 3 engine always seemed a bit chunky and clunky to me, which is why I always preferred Unreal Tourney over Q3A, might mean that Q3A is also an overrated game or it may be a personal, YMMV thing, althought I think this whole thread is a bit YMMV, really
3 Western developers should leave Japanese, Anime-esque settings to the Japanese - they are either going to miss the mark or seem like they're taking the piss - See also: Shogo (which I played all the way through, too, admittedly)
1 When I played through it (and I did play through it, even used GameFAQs to find all the Dopefish) I ended up having to use a level skip cheat to avoid a system crash (or it might have just been the game that crashed out) when I got to this part where a wizard I was chasing went and ran up a tree - serious, NPC in a tree = system crash, not very professional!
2 The Quake 3 engine always seemed a bit chunky and clunky to me, which is why I always preferred Unreal Tourney over Q3A, might mean that Q3A is also an overrated game or it may be a personal, YMMV thing, althought I think this whole thread is a bit YMMV, really
3 Western developers should leave Japanese, Anime-esque settings to the Japanese - they are either going to miss the mark or seem like they're taking the piss - See also: Shogo (which I played all the way through, too, admittedly)
Post edited October 22, 2011 by Fever_Discordia

New abUser
Registered: Dec 2010
From Canada
Posted October 22, 2011

Seriously, people, use the minus button only for spam, deliberate trolling or something that is strongly offensive. That's what it's for. Not for disagreement. Not to cleanse the board of threads you personally don't like. It's not that hard to understand.

Well, classy community my ass. Yes, there are still helpful and good people overall, but the amount of morons is increasing too.
Whether he got downrated for not praising Valve's game, game being sold on GOG, or just for teh lulz, it is disgusting. I really wish everyone could see who did + or - rate any given post so we would know those "heroes" or downrep accounts.
Note to haters: feel free to downrep me to oblivion for my words.
In addition, I find community guidelines broken on a regular basis, in particular "stay on topic", which I may unfortunately be contributing to with this post. You have also rather conveniently seem to have skipped over the posts which submit possible reasons for a low rating. Complaints such as the mislabeling of "Giants", or the casual dismissal of the entire platforming genre (especially annoying when the topic he entered with was the most overrated games of all time). But since you make such demands for altruism, observe my open offer:
OP: If you edit your opening post such as to remove the offending third section and fix the "Giants" title, I will gladly give you positive reputation.
Hopefully that was satisfactory, and without further theatrics:
OT: I agree with many commenters that "Ocarina of Time" is overrated. The update offered by Nintendo for its 3DS seems hardly substantial for its asking price. Eurogamer gave the title a ten out of ten and wasn't alone in offering glowing reviews for this update of a decade old game. The game has been offered several times now, including as a package with other games for the GameCube. I feel they should be upping the ante including more Zelda games yet. Was OoT good for its time? Sure, but it has since been surpassed several times, by both WindWaker and Majora's Mask, just within its own franchise. This isn't even getting into the game's flaws. Gamers, normally a fickle bunch, fawned over it as if a precious metal. The game has been available in a perfectly playable state on the Wii Virtual Console for a couple years now at a lower entry fee, I mean come on.
Post edited October 22, 2011 by elus89

New User
Registered: Oct 2011
From Finland
Posted October 22, 2011
Hmm.. Most overrated game of all time? All i can say that the most overrated game of the last 10 years is probably Mass effect 2, more i play it the more i dislike it.
I have completed Me1 at least 6 times and with Me2 i have managed to complete it once just because of the story and i dislike pretty much everything about it.
I have completed Me1 at least 6 times and with Me2 i have managed to complete it once just because of the story and i dislike pretty much everything about it.

New User
Registered: Feb 2011
From Spain
Posted October 22, 2011
Final Fantasy VII

Warrior of Derp
Registered: Sep 2008
From Poland
Posted October 22, 2011
Fallout 3, off the top of my head. Nothing about that game agreed with me. The horrible engine, the animations, the shiny potato faces, the cluttered inventory, the exploitable VATS system, the stupidity of the main quest, the asinine writing, the saint-satan morality, the blandness of it all and much, much more.
I've yet to properly play New Vegas, it's supposedly better at least in the writing department.
I've yet to properly play New Vegas, it's supposedly better at least in the writing department.

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted October 22, 2011

I've yet to properly play New Vegas, it's supposedly better at least in the writing department.

buy Evil Genius
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted October 22, 2011

And yes, the interactions were a lot deeper, it got annoying at times because you had to pick sides, you could be mildly liked by most of the good factions or most of the bad ones, but you had to deliberately seek a middle ground and not be too helpful.
One of the most significant improvements of FO3 was that the characters actually have character, they don't all sound alike.
But, then again FO:NV did benefit from a lot of the work that had gone into Van Buren, so I'm not sure how much they should be allowed credit for that, as this is in many ways the rebirth of that particular project.

New User
Registered: Jul 2009
From Belgium
Posted October 22, 2011
Post edited October 22, 2011 by Verwandlung

buy Evil Genius
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted October 22, 2011

New User
Registered: Oct 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted October 23, 2011


I think I enjoyed Fallout tactics because it was focused, you are a soldier, you have objectives, go do them.
Endless wandering does not make a good game imo.
If I made Fallout 3 it would probably play like Rage, lol.

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted October 23, 2011

And yes, the interactions were a lot deeper, it got annoying at times because you had to pick sides, you could be mildly liked by most of the good factions or most of the bad ones, but you had to deliberately seek a middle ground and not be too helpful.
One of the most significant improvements of FO3 was that the characters actually have character, they don't all sound alike.
But, then again FO:NV did benefit from a lot of the work that had gone into Van Buren, so I'm not sure how much they should be allowed credit for that, as this is in many ways the rebirth of that particular project.
I stuck through FO3, and even had fun with it, but much of it was very soul-less and dull, with a few exceptions. The best part was definitely the Point Lookout DLC.
FO:NV fixed most of my gripes.
Post edited October 23, 2011 by ceeker