damien: I'm in for
Unepic The last game I bought full price was Indiana Jones at GOG. The idea was to support the LucasArts releases. However, I regret my decision. I've found out that the audio files are compressed and therefore the release at GOG is inferior. I would not have supported this release, if I knew about this before.
sanfueg: I'm in for Deponia. If I buy a game at it's full price, it will most likely be the retail version, just after release or pre-order. The last game I bought at full price on GOG was The Witcher 2 and on retail The Wicher 3! Thank you for the giveaway.
Daynov: In for Valdis Story, thanks!
Fallout 3 Goty if I remember right. Not a bad game overall but not worth the full price.
Congrats you guys have won! I've sent out the PMs with the code. Hope you enjoy!