I recommend this is you can get it in the US, Should not cost much too.
The reason i like iiyama monitors are because they give you basic features and dont cost a lot but with a top quality display panel
Depends what you use it for though, I mainly brought this for games and i hate ghosting and this is possibly one of the best monitors on the market for anti ghosting using pixperan
and overdrive works exceptionally well
Quality of everything on this monitor is very sharp stock setup is pretty decent with the colors you may want to edit it or you may not, Also the LED Backlight bleed is nothing major
and not half as bad as some monitors out there, You can see the bleed on a black screen
And its a very minor line (or at least on my monitor it is) its not annoying if you are playing a dark game or watching a dark movie and you cant see the bleed it in any other color
2 Problems with this monitor though, The stand and how bright it is
The stand is possibly the worst part of the monitor, Basically if you have your monitor on the same desk as your keyboard then play a game type a email or something then the screen is gonna act like its in a earthquake as the stand is very wobbly, If you have it mounted on a wall or on a seperate desk to your mouse and keyboard then you should be fine
2nd problem is how bright it is, But this can vary to how bright a user wants the screen
I have the brightness to 0 on the monitor and i would like it at least 30% darker still
I think i could do a lot of editing with the color settings and the gamma.