BlueJayOnToast: I can not believe how nice you all are, if you wanna talk to me outside the forums feel free to (if you have one) find me on twitter its @BlueJayOnToast feel free to tweet me just saying you found me here and I will tweet your computer/phone to death! :D
Or you could stick around, talk to us on the forums or PMs. We're generally an all-right bunch ;)
As no one seems to have mentioned it, GoG originally stood for Good Old Games. This place made its name on offering old, hard-to-find-and-run classics and it still is its biggest draw. Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, Alpha Centauri, Deus Ex, Wing Commander... these are some of the greatest games of all time, on any platform. Figure out what game you'd fancy and try it. You'll stick around ;)