gbaz69: With tommorrows gog promo sale event thing, it should become a lot more busy here.
Sachys: Thats why I'm thinking of closing it - too many randoms and too many scammers like insomnia sale is what I'm thinking. Didn't like it then, won't like it a second time!
The other can stay up as its open to all (hence why I made sure "giveaway" wasnt in the topic title and therefore not script-blocked).
Fact is, weekends are dead here right now. Partially January no doubt, but I also think its due to the lack of weekend GAs - thinking of seeing if we can move The SIGIL one to fridays.
Thoughts anyone?
you could keep it open for a few more hours depending on your local time / sleep cycle for the latest GOG insomnia madness sale.
then call it in less than 8 hours.
its about 12ish hours til the GOG sale if that enigmatic video + website was accurate. (regular release / sale time + 3 hours)
or your can just go all Shit Chuters on the GA and put it in sudden death.