Damuna: It's a joke. What you seem to be suggesting is the 1950s, because of the way you mentioned women and minorities and then hypothesised on removing non-economy factors, which makes it look like you're suggesting Republicans would win if it was only white males voting.
They probably would.
Of all the women who voted in this election, last I heard 55% voted Obama. In the age groups, Obama won every range below 40 years hands down. You're basically looking at male voters, 40+ years of age, as the core republican voters.
Want to bet the majority of them are white too?
Seriously, if the GOP is ever going to win back the White House, they've got to come around and shift their policies as far from the dogmas of the religious right as possible. They're losing women voters on the idiotic anti-abortion laws and talking about how rape is to be considered an Act of God. They're losing young voters for a whole host of reasons, but anti-abortion, anti-education and anti-sensible-tax-system policies are no doubt the largest.
Case in point; the core republican voter is 4 years older next term. If they don't change their policies, they're unlikely to win back any of the women voters and young voters they've lost in the past 8 years, and they'll compound their problems by losing some of their core voters to, well, death.