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I'm looking for a new mouse and was wondering if anyone here has some suggestions. I'm not looking for a gaming mouse, but one with decent precision would be good.

I used to use the Logitech Trackman, but that appears to have been discontinued. The closest I could find to it was the Logitech M570, but despite it's high ratings, I find it to be terrible to use. It's very uncomfortable to use for me and I have given it up. My hand cramped with it so badly that I thought I did some serious damage to it. If I didn't feel like I was crippling my hand, I would have stuck with this.

What I've been using while I find something else is a Microsoft Comfort Optical Mouse 3000, which has its own problems, mainly the mouse wheel:
- The mouse wheel is very sensitive and scrolls smoothly without having any sort of clicking so it's very easy to scroll while trying to middle click (which is tough to push down anyway). To get around this, I've had to map the thumb button to act as a middle click.
- The mouse wheel also implements a "precision scrolling" (mouse wheel scroll values of less than 120) that causes the wheel to not work in a lot of applications. However, I can use X-Mouse Button Control to get around this by mapping "wheel up" to "wheel up" and "wheel down" to "wheel down".
Too many hoops and the mouse isn't all that great to use anyway.

Things I look for:
- easy-to-use middle click
- nice scroll wheel action.
- lower arch so it doesn't cramp my hand
- fairly precise movements, something that you can accustom your hand to easily.

Things I don't necessarily look for:
- mouse wheel that tilts left and right... the MS mouse has this and I never use it... maybe because the mouse wheel is such a pain on it anyway...
- more than 3 buttons, though these might be useful.
- Wireless - do not want! The movement of the M570 would get choppy when I have a lot of things going on. Give me a cord!

I've gone to some electronic stores to try some, but they only had wireless models out.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
This question / problem has been solved by isis12image
I'm very happy with my Logitech G400.

- middle click works well
- scroll wheel is precise and clicky
- the arch is pretty low as far as I can tell
- movement is great and you can adjust dpi on the fly with two small extra buttons

- wheel has no tilt
- there are two extra thumb buttons but I never use them and they don't get in the way
- it's wired

Edit: I have been using mine daily for 2 years btw and build quality is great.
Post edited September 14, 2013 by isis12
Is the Kinzu 2 any good?
feel like I'm building a pc today. :P

A few months ago my Logitech died and I felt there was no point going on until several very persuasive people in here told me there was only really one mouse worth having: The Razer Deathadder.

Of course I wouldn't actually have to. This mouse will take a bullet by itself and continue to function perfectly. This mouse is the John Holmes of mice and there is no substitute.
I would probably go for a Logitech (G400 most likely) if I was in the market for a new mouse today. The ergonomics are sound and, if the MX-518 is anything to go by, the mice are absolutely bombproof. If nuclear holocaust strikes, the people most likely to survive are those who work in Logitech warehouses: they can just dive into a pile of their wired gaming mice.

I've got a CM Sentinel Advance II myself, since my previous mouse (a CM Sentinel Advance I) expired one month before its warranty did. I like the Sentinel rather a lot, even though its software is way overkill for me. The Deathadder that tinyE mentioned should be fine as well. Razers seem to be of hit-or-miss quality, and it's only got a one-year warranty (as opposed to two for the Sentinel and three for most Logitechs), but at least three of my friends have got Deathadders and it seems like a genuinely robust product - not just by Razer standards.

EDIT: I figure you've probably worked this out on your own, but do try a new mouse, in the shop if at all possible, before you commit yourself to buy it. Ergonomics can be such a bitch sometimes.
Post edited September 14, 2013 by AlKim
I found the Gigabyte M6980X (or, if you want to save some bucks M6900) to be a a very good mouse. . Very precise and a lot of possibilities to adjust it to your preferences. however, I have fairly large hands, so what is comfortable for me might not be as ergonomic for someone smaller ( although my 10 years old daughter likes it too )
I've been using a Logitech MX400 Performance Laser Mouse since 2008 - aside from a... cosmetic issue (rubberised / grippy coating on the sides started breaking down, I ended up scraping it off (and turns out I prefer it without the coating anyway :P )), it's been quite a good mouse. Comfortable and the buttons and mouse wheel all function as well as they did when I got it.
Post edited September 14, 2013 by DreadMoth
I'm using a Razer Deathadder, and it's pretty damn good. I had previously bought a MadCatz RAT3 after my old mouse died, but that died less than a month after I bought it. Don't buy a RAT3.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll have to see if I can find any of these in a store to try out.

I had read a bit on the Logitech G400 and the Deathadder and thought they might be good, but I'll check out the others, too.


(Will mark as solved once I get the mouse, assuming I go with someone's suggestion...)
If it helps in your final choice, the Deathadder has a cool pulsating snake thing on the palm. :P
tinyE: If it helps in your final choice, the Deathadder has a cool pulsating snake thing on the palm. :P
From my experience complex mouse = breaking down easily.

I got this cheap 5 bucks Logitech mouse and it serve me for over 5 years no problemo.
I bought a Deathadder mouse after strong recommendation from this forum and my gamer friends. Been using it for 2 years now and I have no problems with it at all. I can strongly recommend it without hesitation.
tinyE: If it helps in your final choice, the Deathadder has a cool pulsating snake thing on the palm. :P
I turned it off because it made my hand bit too sweaty. :P
Post edited September 14, 2013 by MGShogun
RedRagan: From my experience complex mouse = breaking down easily.

I got this cheap 5 bucks Logitech mouse and it serve me for over 5 years no problemo.
Amen to that, a cheap lasermouse from Microsoft or Logitech is all you need and perhaps a mousepad if your desksurface causes problems.
adambiser: I used to use the Logitech Trackman, but that appears to have been discontinued.
Is is some specific model, because I see a bunch of Logitech Trackman on Amazon. Personally, I use a Kensington Expert Mouse (trackball).