F4LL0UT: Do you even know what audio compression is?
BoxOfSnoo: Yup, probably better than most. Do you?
For those who don't:
Compression in audio can mean two things:
1) Bit rate compression.
Here you have two kinds: losless ans lossy. Losless means there is no reduction in quality, but the amount of bit rate reduction is limited. Lossy means you're actually throwing information away. This will reduce quality, although on higher bit-rates this may not be noticeable for many. Actually a better name would be bit-rate reduction, but compression is widely used.
2) Dynamic compression:
Reducing the dynamics (the difference between the loudest and the softest parts) in audio.Dynamic compression can be done with a compressor (low ratio's, relatively slow attack and release times) and/or with a peak limiter (high ratio's, and fast). Modern audio often suffers from too much compression. When everything is loud, nothing is soft, and when nothing is soft, actually, nothing is loud.
Guys like Bob Katz and John Watkinson can tell a lot about either form of compression.
Anyway, back on topic:
I just got my cabinets for my 400+ CDs second hand.