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Some project creators on Kickstarter have been accused of sounding like Peter Molyneux when trying to sell their projects to potential backers. Well, now the actual Peter Molyneux is jumping on the Kickstarter bandwagon with a new god game called "Godus." The Kickstarter pitch itself doesn't tell us much about the game and is surprisingly restrained, with Molyneux claiming, "I won't promise anything, I just want to deliver." Hmm.

For many years now, Peter Molyneux has been practically synonymous with overhyping games and not delivering on promises. Pretty much exactly what you don't want in a Kickstarter project. On the other hand, he practically invented the god game genre and made some amazing games at Bullfrog back in the day.

Unfortuntely, it appears that they want to create a multiplayer game (Molyneux: "20 vs. 20"). I don't really play multiplayer games, so that more or less kills my interest in the game. I don't think I'm going to pledge, but I might change my mind later depending on how they run their campaign.

Post edited November 21, 2012 by spindown
But what happened to his stupid cube thing? Wasn't it supposed to be a series or something?
The spiritual successor to Populous?
I don't know, it doesn't really tickle my... lower spine... something. I'll wait for the smoke to clear a bit, but I won't bother if it's gonna be completely a multiplayer game.
Seems like an interesting idea.

LOL I figured the gaming community couldn't go more than a day or two without a high profile kickstarter project like this. I was hoping for a small break after the Hero-U and Star Citizen campaigns (plus Shadowgate is almost over and should be funded).
Multiplayer-only = not backing.

A pity really, as this project otherwise really tickles my fancy.
Peter Molyneux has been a very good designer but he doesn't need Kickstarter at all. It actually sounds like some kind of a joke.
Multiplayer-only PC games are about as interesting to me as painful hemorrhoids.
stonebro: Multiplayer-only PC games are about as interesting to me as painful hemorrhoids.
Don't knock them until you've tried them.

The hemorrhoids, I mean.

So its going to have depth and take all the good things from the game that he listed... Oh but its going to be for mobile devices also... Oh its also only multiplayer...

Depth went down the hill and i lost interest... I want a new "black and white" game but i dont want it like this... Meh. I mean this is what they decide to make with kickstarter... Kinda sad when one think about it.
Launching on the day before Thanksgiving/Black Friday weekend may limit some early pledging from the USA side of things, since the next few days are the time when millions of Americans camp outside of stores for hours to buy things they don't really need.

Post edited November 21, 2012 by mondo84
I'm not sure if I want to backup project that was started by multimillionaire ;). Maybe instead of buying another mansion he should finance his own game?

It's not what kickstarter was made for.
Post edited November 21, 2012 by Aver
I think that is the first Kickstarter where I not only doubt they won't/can't deliver what they promise, but I absolutely know it.
Goes indie so he can be free to let his creative mind run wild; makes sequel to his most famous game instead.
Now here's what you didn't know about this Kickstarter. It was all carefully planned.

Check the launch date:

Then check the most recently uncovered layer of Curiosity and when it was uncovered:'s_Inside_the_Cube%3F
Post edited November 21, 2012 by johnki