Posted October 03, 2012
I'm currently playing through STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl for the first time since I originally played it a few years ago. Everything's all fine and dandy, except that I keep feeling the urge to run back to Call of Pripyat (my favorite STALKER game) to make sure all the awesomeness I'm encountering in SoC is there as well. To make sure that I'm still justified in considering it my favorite. Now, this is of course ridiculous, for many different reasons. Not the least of which being that they're both fantastic games that each succeed at different things, and should both be appreciated. But no matter how hard I try, this sort of thing is always in the back of my mind. "Wow, that was a really neat firefight back there. Did Call of Pripyat do its firefights as well? What if it didn't? Perhaps Shadow of Chernobyl really is better after all?" "Hey, this is a really creepy area. Did Call of Pripyat have anything like this?" "I'm running low on ammo. It's a shame that Call of Pripyat is so much easier than Shadow of Chernobyl..."
This has happened with other games too--especially games in a series. I have this urge to pick out a favorite and stick with it, and have a very hard time simply appreciating each game for what it is. Does anyone else have this problem?
This has happened with other games too--especially games in a series. I have this urge to pick out a favorite and stick with it, and have a very hard time simply appreciating each game for what it is. Does anyone else have this problem?