Posted June 23, 2011

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Twerk resistant
Registered: Aug 2010
From United States
Posted June 23, 2011
Very well. I humbly present:
Alistair Shudder
A hunched figure concealed beneath tattered and threadbare robes the color of onyx, the only visible evidence of Shudder's humanity are his hands, the skin of which is blackened like burnt parchment, and the fingers of which are eternally clutched and crooked at odd, disquieting angles. He walks with the slow, measured gate of the eternally infirm, and on those rare occasions when he speaks, he does so with a voice possessing the dust-ridden quality of a long unused door being opened.
In spite of his appearance, Shudder is actually a rather benign figure. However, due to his appearance, he is often the target of suspicion and ridicule. He is skilled in the arcane arts. However, just how skilled is unknown. This is because he is loathe to perform even the most minor of magics in public and will do so only in the most dire circumstance. His appearance already causes him enough consternation. He does not need the added aggravation of over-zealous witch hunters pursuing him. In order to scrape by a meager living and retain some semblance of normalcy, he deals in minor potions of a curative nature.
As of the start of the scenario, Shudder is a solitary figure, seemingly content to mind his own business quietly pursuing his studies and tending to his garden.
Well....whaddya think?
Alistair Shudder
A hunched figure concealed beneath tattered and threadbare robes the color of onyx, the only visible evidence of Shudder's humanity are his hands, the skin of which is blackened like burnt parchment, and the fingers of which are eternally clutched and crooked at odd, disquieting angles. He walks with the slow, measured gate of the eternally infirm, and on those rare occasions when he speaks, he does so with a voice possessing the dust-ridden quality of a long unused door being opened.
In spite of his appearance, Shudder is actually a rather benign figure. However, due to his appearance, he is often the target of suspicion and ridicule. He is skilled in the arcane arts. However, just how skilled is unknown. This is because he is loathe to perform even the most minor of magics in public and will do so only in the most dire circumstance. His appearance already causes him enough consternation. He does not need the added aggravation of over-zealous witch hunters pursuing him. In order to scrape by a meager living and retain some semblance of normalcy, he deals in minor potions of a curative nature.
As of the start of the scenario, Shudder is a solitary figure, seemingly content to mind his own business quietly pursuing his studies and tending to his garden.
Well....whaddya think?

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted June 23, 2011
Sounds good....adding you to the player list. I'll probably writeup the starter infos and such for myself in a few days(3-4), then i'll add it and allow each player added by then to add their own starting posts. After that it's down to posting once again every 5-7 days. Think that's manageable for you?
Post edited June 23, 2011 by GameRager

Twerk resistant
Registered: Aug 2010
From United States
Posted June 23, 2011
Not a problem on my end.

Sale Addict
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted June 23, 2011
Homer-That's awesome. Since your character is also magical, I feel like my character might just be annoying and try to be his "friend". :P

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Some Dude
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted June 23, 2011
I'm in!
Here is Rjolinir:
-An ex-sniper of the army, he often fights as a mercenary and sometimes adventure of ruins.
-He is a solitary man and often prefers being alone, but is not actively hostile or rude to anyobdy.
-Skilled in archery, swordsmanship, and alchemy.
-Carries a recurve bow made of exotic metals equivalent to plastics flexibility and durability, called the Beresad which is enchanted to hit targets consistently thrice as far as an ordinary bow and a bastard sword. He usually wears heavy armor like plate but can wear light armor if necessary. Also carries some cateyes, health potions, and other basic potions of adventurers.
-Sarcastic and snide attitude but is a caring man, if a bit awkward.
Here is Rjolinir:
-An ex-sniper of the army, he often fights as a mercenary and sometimes adventure of ruins.
-He is a solitary man and often prefers being alone, but is not actively hostile or rude to anyobdy.
-Skilled in archery, swordsmanship, and alchemy.
-Carries a recurve bow made of exotic metals equivalent to plastics flexibility and durability, called the Beresad which is enchanted to hit targets consistently thrice as far as an ordinary bow and a bastard sword. He usually wears heavy armor like plate but can wear light armor if necessary. Also carries some cateyes, health potions, and other basic potions of adventurers.
-Sarcastic and snide attitude but is a caring man, if a bit awkward.
Post edited June 23, 2011 by MrWilli

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted June 23, 2011

Sale Addict
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted June 24, 2011
I forgot to name my character-Clairey. (Sounds like Clarice-without the end. :P) She wears a hooded cape, and doesn't carry any weapons.
I'm very excited for this!!! :D
I'm very excited for this!!! :D

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted June 24, 2011

I'm very excited for this!!! :D
Also everyone rules have been updated, so make sure if you asked to sign up that these rules still work for and agree with you, and also everyone else has until Monday at Noon EST to signup if they have not done so.

Some Dude
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted June 24, 2011
I'm still in.

Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted June 24, 2011

Requirements(changed as necessary to meet new accepted ideas) -
+Must write a post every 5-7 least 1 paragraph long.
+Must remain in character during most of the story, but minor 4th wall breaking might be allowed if funny and it tries to fit with the story somewhat ....also if one must talk offtopic or out-of-character to a good extent that can be brought here if need be.
+If adding a new NPC for some reason(to further your story or the main storyline) please ask in PM for OP approval first to make sure it won't disrupt or conflict with the main storyline in any way
+Players cannot kill off other players, though they can(with that player's permission) put the other player in some sort of dire situation indirectly through their normal actions(Can't murder player #x but can do something which could lead indirectly somehow to Player x being in danger somehow)....they can also affect the other player's storylines in other ways indirectly as well, in good or interesting ways/etc with that player's permission. Only exception being OP, who can do such indirect or even direct actions intruding into a player's storyline(non fatal ones) at any time.
+Lower level NPCs(ones created by players for minor mention or to add flavor only to a story /those with no major relation to any player like important friends or family) cannot be killed if they are integral to another player(s) storyline in some way.
+Players should submit their story posts each time to me via PM before posting them to the story main thread(which hasn't been created yet btw) so I can double check for any overlooked storyline conflicts or requirements issues...most time nothing will be changed, this is merely to be cautious and keep the roleplay functioning smoothly.
+Love of roleplays and writing to some degree(optional but preferred)
I will also possibly be making this a short one to test the waters, and if it is successful i'll expand it into bigger areas and more developed storylines with more NPCs/etc
Possible Players:
1. StoicSentry
2. Rooshandark8
3. Tulivu
4. FantasySci5 - Clairey
5. HomerSimpson - Alistair Shudder
6. MrWilli - Rjolnir
Entries must be submitted by Monday June 27th, at noon EST.

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States

Registered: Jun 2010
From United States
Posted June 24, 2011

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted June 24, 2011
I have stated the players may break the fourth wall on limited occasions and even I might throw a bit in from time to time, but i'm not going to make it totally that way for various reasons crucial to the world i'm trying to create. I will make it fun though. ;)
Post edited June 24, 2011 by GameRager