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Fight heresy the old-school way.

Inquisitor is a game that will take you on a thrilling journey through a dark medieval low-fantasy world and satisfy your hunger for old-school RPG, and it's available for digital pre-order on for only $11.99--that’s 20% off the full price, only during preorders!

Dark times have fallen onto the once-peaceful land of Ultherst. As the prophet Ezekiel foretold: Famine, Plague, and Death came to harvest the souls of the sinners and the innocent alike. In this time of hardship more and more people started to succumb to the Devil's whispers. Heresy and worship of dark powers grow stronger and more blatant with every new follower of the demonic path. This evil must be rooted-out and purged with fire. And you--out of all of the people faithful to the true religion--have been selected to restore God's holy law and order as the Inquisitor.

Inquisitor is a truly old-school cRPG with open-ended gameplay, a large world to roam freely, a plethora of items and spells at your disposal, a deep and absorbing story, and hundreds of lines of dialogs. Get Inquisitor now with 20% pre-order discount and gain immediate access to the chest of goodies that contains treasure such as a full game soundtrack, a collection of 68 artworks, the ominous Revelation of Ezekiel, and a full-fledged Inquisitor novel! The pre-order period will last until Wednesday, September 5 at 10:59 AM GMT.

If you're not yet busy rushing to pre-order this item of old-school excellence, take a moment and listen what Martin Kovar of CINEMAX--the studio that put more than 10 years into developing Inquisitor--has to say about his game.
rawmilk905: I'm not saying a game can't be good with older graphics, I'm saying why not make the graphics current for a game released in 2012.
Because the game is from ~2009?
This is just a release of English version.
I see, however 2009 is still not quite late 90s Infinity engine era.
rawmilk905: As there are good open source 3d engines (OGRE, irrlicht) out there, I'd guess that a studio that wanted to make something in true 3d (as opposed to isometric) could regardless of budget.
But why? It's clear that this game was intended to go for the old school look-and-feel like the old Infinity Engine games. Why would they pour unnecessary effort into shoehorning a game built to be like that into a 3D engine when they could be putting that effort into polishing the gameplay? In addition to that, using a 3D engine in a game like that – and making it a good game – definitely isn't as simple as just taking an off-the-shelf SDK and dropping in art assets.

It would be like saying that Binding of Issac or Botanicula are bad games because they're based on Flash. Or saying that all indie games should be using 3D engines just because there are F/OSS 3D engine SDKs out there.
rawmilk905: I'm not saying a game can't be good with older graphics, I'm saying why not make the graphics current for a game released in 2012.
klaymen: Because the game is from ~2009?
This is just a release of English version.
I didn't know that. How good was the original then?
rawmilk905: I see, however 2009 is still not quite late 90s Infinity engine era.
I'm just gonna cut this short: The game was developed by 16 people in their spare time since 2000. I'd say that the mere fact that they've managed to produced 100+ hours long experience with about half of it dialogue is beyond anything we could have expected, especially since those people are not paid developers, they were just making a game whenever thry've had time. I think changing the engine mid-development would probably kill the project.
Red_Avatar: I didn't know that. How good was the original then?
I didn't play it. But Fenixp did.
Well that makes more sense. I still can't say I have an interest in the game, but at least I can understand why they used the engine they did. Thank you.
Fenixp: There, we've got gameplay and game's world covered, let's get to RPG mechanics: The system itself is fairly standard, you get XP which give you level-ups, and those give you skill and attribute points to distribute. You can choose between three classes: A Paladin, Priest and a Rogue. I really like that the world actually reacts to your choice, and some bits of the game change according to it as well - for instance, as a paladin, you get access to their buildings scattered around the world, as a rogue you actually play a role of noble, so you get your own village eventually, and priest is an actual inquisitor, which comes with greater privileges. Other than that, they're just your standard warrior-mage-thief bunch, nothing that surprising there. All in all, apart from actual in-game differentiation, RPG mechanics are pretty standard and generic. Which is not necessarily a bad thing, I just wish they were much, much more balanced.
What class would you recommend to someone who finds them all interesting?
Felix004: What class would you recommend to someone who finds them all interesting?
First of all, it's probably the hardest class to play (priest's got a really hard beginning, but then he's godlike with his spells, and templar... Well, tempar's easy,) but I really found Thief cool. A) he's got a persuation skill and B) It's really refreshing to see the world react to you as to nobility in an RPG. However, prepare for a lot of gameplay based around "run, run, run, run, turn around and shoot, run, run, run, run ..." It gets better later on, but in beginning, you're gonna do that all the time.
But why should they? They're a little-known European indie studio that took 10 years to make this game. They definitely don't have the support of a major publisher or the resources available to AAA studios. If you're expecting Mass Effect 4 from these people, you really need to readjust your expectations of this game. And for that matter, what do you mean by "much nicer"? I for one would much rather have a game with detailed, masterfully crafted, and high-resolution 2D graphics than a UE3 game with low-res wall textures where everything is drenched in bloom effects...
Why do you say this? Even if this is a relatively small indie project can't it be much better than Mass Effect?

After the ending they made with the third chapter ("they released the purple ending yesterday!!11oneone!1") i surely don't have any doubts that this game can do better.

For Fenixp: you say as if the thief is limited to ranged weapon. I usually play rogues/thieves as dual wielding duelists/assassins, this worked wonders in Dragon Age and D&D... is it not feasible here on Inquisitor?

I would make him a hard hitting, hard to hit target with "few" HPs, that's usually what i go for. I really would like to play the thief for the sake of his persuasion skill... although the priest has something similar if i read correctly the manual.

The paladin is the only one without social skills, right?
rawmilk905: This has gone beyond what I meant to express, which is that the graphics deter me from wanting to play it and don't help my impressions of the developers. As there are good open source 3d engines (OGRE, irrlicht) out there, I'd guess that a studio that wanted to make something in true 3d (as opposed to isometric) could regardless of budget. It may have been too much to call the game pointless, I meant it doesn't appeal to me and I won't be getting it.
Buy it. Or don't. Whatever turns your crank.

If the lack of a 3d engine and the latest graphics is more important to you than a good story and good gameplay, then by all means pass on it. Personally, I'm quite excited about this game. But then, I replay the Infiinity Engine games on a regular basis as well, I thought the Eschalon games and Avadon:The Black Fortress were great games, and I'm highly anticipating Age of Decadence too. So the 2d isometric format of this game isn't an issue with me, no matter how new the game is. I'm looking for a cool story, good gameplay and a fun game. This looks to be the ticket to me. It's a shame you can't overlook what you feel is a shortcoming in this game. I think you're probably passing on something pretty damned good, especially for 12 bucks.
All I know is i'll be waiting patiently on Wednesday for a little present to enter my GOG shelf......and NO, not THAT kind of present. :p...;)

adamzs: I figured out what this game reminds me of - Kult: Heretic Kingdoms. It's probably because of the similar visual style and the inquisition theme. Damn, it's been ages since I've played Kult... if only it were available online in a convenient, DRM-free digital package. *Nudge nudge wink wink youknowwhatimean?*
Hey, I just saw Kult sold in a bargain bin over here for $3 or even less. Is it worth it? And do you by chance know what DRM the retail version was using? Simple CD check or anything more draconic?
Post edited September 04, 2012 by Leroux
Leroux: Hey, I just saw Kult sold in a bargain bin over here for $3 or even less. Is it worth it? And do you by chance know what DRM the retail version was using? Simple CD check or anything more draconic?
All I know about the game is that I've had a copy, really loved it when I played it, and when I wanetd to install it again, my disc got scratched and I couldn't even find it on torrents :-/
Leroux: Hey, I just saw Kult sold in a bargain bin over here for $3 or even less. Is it worth it? And do you by chance know what DRM the retail version was using? Simple CD check or anything more draconic?
Fenixp: All I know about the game is that I've had a copy, really loved it when I played it, and when I wanetd to install it again, my disc got scratched and I couldn't even find it on torrents :-/
Hm, I just read it crashes under Vista. Apparantly there are workaround fixes, mostly Win98 compatibility mode, setting your desktop resolution to 1024x768 and closing all other applications. But if it's a good game, maybe it would be worth to put up with it and try it out for this low price until a digital edition becomes available ...
Post edited September 04, 2012 by Leroux