shmerl: Thanks for clarifying. The strange part is that it happened even when I disabled HTTPSeverywhere.
I wish GOG would fix this redirects mess and fix referencing insecure pages from secure ones within their own site. Can you please submit a ticket to them? I already did a while ago, but apparently they didn't do anything about it.
Yes, HTTPS Everywhere should not cause this problem, since it automatically gives up on security if the server keeps issuing bad redirections. Forced HTTPS through NoScript can definitely show the symptoms described. It affects me regularly. Before the problem started, I always browsed the game pages of any new offering and for most sales. Now, I often don't, since hitting a bad server causes the game pages to loop and fail to load.
I mentioned this to support once before and received a generic "We're looking into it." Since the problem still happens, I don't think it was investigated very thoroughly. All the servers, both good and bad, answer under the hostname, so I can't tell how many are good and how many are bad, but the failure rate is high enough to be so frustrating that I gave up on reading game pages.
ET3D: I tried going to the Unreal 2 page using Firefox 33.1.1 now and it worked fine. I don't remember having this problem. (But I don't usually browse games, I'm usually just on the forum.)
It's not a problem with the version of Firefox. It's a problem with the servers issuing bad redirects, but you only notice it if (a) you inspect whether you stayed on https or (b) you use an extension that keeps you on https. If you use plain Firefox without security extensions, you'll be quietly switched to insecure http and the site will seem to keep working. This is fine if you only browse GOG from secure Internet connections. If you browse from a public Wifi hotspot (e.g. coffee shop), best practice is for you to stay on HTTPS connections, which is much easier if you configure the browser to do it for you.