coldalarm: Why didn't they double-down and focus on doing that for GOG, GamersGate and so on?
Already explained several times in this thread. You're circling around questions that are long done.
coldalarm: And yes, we understand things get in the way of patches, but the patch had already been done, so it wasn't like they were going to spend a month having to redo all of these fixes and so on. All they had to do was create a version for DRM-free copies. This is not some great Herculean challenge for a developer, and there is no reason why it should take a month.
1. Considering how eager you are to accuse the devs of cluelessness (repeatedly), your apparent lack of understanding of development processes is almost funny. Migrating changes between different forks of the same source, which then have to be wrapped in different ways to account for the distributors' different systems, and of course need to be tested as well, is - I agree with you on that - not a herculean effort, but it isn't child's play either. It requires resources which were (in this case) needed elsewhere, for understandable reasons.
2. You're mixing things up. "By the end of the month" is the announced duration for the arrival of the 1.1.2 patch, not the announced duration for the migration of the already existing 1.1.1 patch to a different system.
coldalarm: 'Only'? Do people not read patch notes these days?
Patch notes here. Bug fixes, additional content, new languages, improved performance, new menus.
I did not only read the patch notes, I also played through the entire game and know pretty well what they refer to. That's precisely the reason why I think that you're grossly overdramatizing things on a level that, sorry, borders ridiculousness. Let's look at the substance of the points you mention:
- "Bug fixes". Yes. The patch fixed some rare bugs that could occur in the game, but none of them were showstoppers, some of the grand total of 12 entries in the bugfix list even aren't really bugs at all. In fact I don't remember ever reading about users having run into these bugs in the official forums. Patch 1.0.2 was important because it fixed bugs which made some levels unplayable no matter what you did. Patch 1.1.1 is far less crucial. You're moaning about not having fixes for some obscure bugs which don't even seem to affect the vast majority of people. In fact I couldn't even tell if those bugs really affected anyone outside of Steam, can you?
- "Additional content". What exactly? In the patch notes that you linked to and about which you smugly asked whether we actually read them, none is mentioned. I see information about the remixed "easy" mode, but where exactly do you see "additional content" there?
- "New languages". Yes, two of them. In a game that shows text in the menu only, that shows no text during gameplay at all, that even provides gameplay instructions in the form of textless signs, and in which the characters "speech" consists of gibberish, the introduction of Russian and Japanese is of course a major addition that should be moaned about when you don't get it immediately. You're not really wanting to be taken seriously, do you?
- "Improved performance". Yes. Improved performance in the DX10/11 mode. I played the game in both modes (DX9 and DX11) and didn't notice much of a difference. People with low performance in DX11 could switch to DX9 before, and can do so still. Do you really want to see this as a crucial change?
- "New Menus". Yes, two of them. You can now change controller settings in-game instead of doing in in the configuration utility. I'm sure you're constantly redefining your controls so you absolutely need this ability present in the in-game menu. You also have new volume controls. Using Windows for volume control is too hard I guess?
coldalarm: We're not "butthurt"
You most certainly are. Note that I'm speaking in the singular, and I suggest you start speaking for yourself as well. You're continuously trying to dress yourself as someone who speaks for a whole group of people while continuously listing complaints that no one apart from you is even making. In a
previous post, you already posed as a group speaker and stated that "some of us might want those languages" - show me the people clamoring for Russian and Japanese menu texts in a game that's 99% text free, please? You also said yourself that "it's more about the *principle* of the matter", which pretty much shows where you're coming from. It's not the _actual_ bugfixes that you miss (because the bugs were obscure to begin with), it's not the _actual_ Russian and Japanese that you're missing (because you can play the game in English just fine), it's the _principle_ that someone already gave other users a non-crucial patch that's delayed for you. I'm sorry, but yes, you're butthurt - majorly so.
(As a side note, in the same post I just linked, you also said "if a game needs patching, and you've not yet delivered that patch (nor delivered it on time), then what you certainly do not do is release more paid content." Again, this is something that might make sense on a rhetorical level, but everyone who was ever part of a development team will immediately spot the naivity of the statement. When your engine developers are working in crunch time on a release for a new platform, and your level designers have nothing to do, what do you suppose should happen? Should the level designers learn engine programming in a 24h crash course so that they can port changes between different distributions? How is that supposed to work? Should the level designers spend their time twitching thumbs so that people who might feel butthurt don't get angry at the release of new content?)
coldalarm: irritated that there has been no(!) communication on this site from the devs over this. No "sorry guys, this is gonna be a little longer because other stuff". Nothing. The devs have had complete radio silence on this site, and that is not acceptable when we're talking about delays and so on.
I don't know how many signs were there that people on GOG actually were waiting for such announcement, but independently on that, this is one point I give you. The communication of BFG leaves things to be desired. I'll even give you something more to moan about and tell you that the last time I checked, their community management was handed over to an intern. I think BFG is currently underestimating the positive impact of good and professional community management, and the negative impact of a lack of such. With better communication, they might have been able to prevent you from getting into a state where you grossly overdramatize everything possibly negative about them.
That said, I was in a similar situation a couple of months ago. I own the game on GamersGate, and the version there was at v1.0.1, which contained a showstopper bug that made it impossible for me to progress. Patch v1.0.2 was already released elsewhere. I'm not fond of sitting around moaning though, so I contacted them and explained the problem. They explained why patch v1.0.2 wasn't released on GG, said that they would of course release it but that it might take a bit of time due to limited resources, and gave me something which enabled me to play the game _with_ the 1.0.2 patch in the meantime. A while later, patch 1.0.2 appeared on GamersGate as promised. Problem solved.
In the time that you spent writing all your posts here, you could have easily done the same, and would probably be playing the game in v1.1.1 by now if that was really important to you. But that's the thing, the patch itself does _not_ seem important to you. As you said yourself, it's the "principle" that got you riled up. And I'm sorry, I have little sympathy for people who prefer to sit around moaning about "principles" instead of taking steps to actually solve the problem.