Sequiro: FYI: Silicon Knights was working with Microsoft and made Too Human for the 360, a very fund and good game with a few glaring issues that put people off. Though really what put people off this game the most and gave it quite unfair backlash was comments made by Denis Dyack before and after the games release. He kinda pulled a Fable where he hyped the game up to be the best thing ever and then when it wasn't he rather childishly made a few comments. The gaming community professional and otherwise was rather overly harsh on an otherwise great game that just take some time to really get into and master.
Too Human was meant to be a trilogy but no word has been said and no real news about it's future if it's been canned or what. SK also helped in some regard in the creation of the game Darksiders. They are credited in the credits of the game. And there is rumors they are working on a couple other projects.. perhaps even an Eternal Darkness 2.
As for Legacy of Kain. Amy Henning is no longer at Crystal Dynamics, she works at Naughty Dog and is a big part of the Uncharted games. in fact pretty much everyone thats worked on the LoK series is either moved on or died. There continues to this day to be rumors that they are rebooting the Legacy of kain series soon. But with Tony Jay passed away and Amy Henning no longer writing story I just don't see how it would ever be as good as before.
They made Too Human? Geesh, poor guys. :(
Oh man, to think that they went from PC/PSX to Nintendo to Microsoft, these guys go the unemployment line. *badumtish*
No, seriously, I like the guys, I enjoyed most of their games (at least all the ones I was able to play) Too Human flew under my radar, I only heard from it's bad reception, but didn't really know who made it or what it was. I stopped bothering with consoles 4 years ago. ^^"
They do seem to have the heart at the right spot, their games have soul if I can put it that way. But somehow their games get flagged or gone by unnoticed because of some circumstance or another. As I stated before, Blood Omen somewhat under the Radar, at least from what I can tell, the first time it was really noticed was when Soul Reaver became Popular und it put most people off because it was nothing like Soul Reaver.
Eternal Darkness was a great game, a scary game an overall fun game, but I guess the problem that made most people avoid it or completely ignore it was that it was on a Nintendo Console. At that Time nobody really thought that a really scary game would be released on a Nintendo Console. MInd you that the last real horrorgame for a NIntendo System was RE 2 on the N64 and that thing wasn't even released in all regions. And the RE Remake/Zero where far from released at that time Re 4 was merely a title than everything else.
Twin Snakes was a funny dilemma. Some didn't even know that it existet. I mean, the last Metal Gear for a Nintendo System was on the NES, what are the chances?
ON the other hand, even if some knew that it existet, people still would accouse it of being inferior because its on a Nintendo System, "it can't be cool, it's on a kiddy console, we, the PS2 guys have the real Metal Gear!" Afterall it was a really faithful Recreation of Metal Gear Solid in the Engine/graphical Style of MGS 2. Some people complained about the matrixesque fight scenes that were absent in the original Metal Gear Solid, which I didn't care much about, for me they just were fluff that changed nothing on the gameplay spects.
Other people were bothered by Psycho Mantises interactions with the player, breaking the forth wall by telling him what games he has played, how he was percived by the game during gameplay and most importantly, making the controller move. Funny thing is, mostly PC guys were complaining about that, since in there old version this was truly abscent. But not on the PSX release. THe PC version was simply stripped oft that feature since it had no memorycard the game could check, it would've had to read the registry for games and on the PC there could have been so much variations of games, that they simply didn't bother. Now, if the former can be faultet to Silicon Knights, is debateble, who knows how much creative freedom they had when they made it? The latter is definetly not their fault, it was in the original so that goes back to Konami.
As for Darksiders...I love that game, one of the games that came out in recent years where I could say that I truly enjoyed them. That the SKs where partially involved totally flew under my radar, although now that you mentioned it I think I recall reading a mention of them in the Credits, though that could just be because of the fact that I typed their Name so often this afternoon/evening that I probaly will be fed up with it as soon as I go to bed. ^^" But glad to hear that they are still around.
Now about the LoK remake/reboot...please don't. I mean geese...Tomb Raider is getting the second overhaul just as we speak and in my opinion what they did in Legend was completely fine and honestly Legend and Anniversary gave me everything a Tomb Raider game could give me, so I don't see a point in doing it all over again, even if the game looks more crisp and it's a new setting and Lara looks even hotter..the train has long since left the station.
And the same way it goes with me on LoK. The games are fine, yeah, they had their highs and lows, but overall, it was and still is a fine series. Yeah, they could retell it and clear out some plotpoints that obscured the original story, they could release a new Blood Omen 2 and give the young Kain something more useful to do than just making him rip holes into the plot.
But I don't want that, I would want a resolution on the Defiance Cliffhanger that was never resolved. And then, still, since Amy isn't with CD anymore and most of the other guys that worked on the series aren't, I overall don't see a chance on an overall satisfying result.
Also I don't trust Square as far as I can throw an elephant, fearing that in their hand it becomes a tedious endless franchise (like final fantasy), an anime fest (like final fantasy (don't get me wrong, I love my anime...when it was and is anime..and the hair isn't too insane)) or it becomes a cashcow that fans will put more and more money in in the vain hope that one final day it will be as good as when it started (like final fantasy).
tl;dr Silicon Knight rock but have bad luck with their games, Is a revival/revamp/reboot of LoK really neccessary and will square even bother to get that damn straight? ^^"