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The adventure begins anew!

Prince of Persia the 2008 beautifully re-envisioned installment of one of the most prominent action/platformer series with gorgeous visuals and an a fascinating storyline, is now available on for only $9.99.

Yet again we find the young Prince chasing after Farah... Oh, wait. This isn't Farah that we remember! The Prince looks entirely different as well. And this girl, Elika? What's her story? She looks intriguing - not your typical damsel in distress. Quite the opposite, actually. She's the damsel putting the Prince in distress. Not a problem! The Prince is ready to take on any trouble head on with his deadly Daggertail, while stopping time with the magic of the Sands. What? That's gone too? Then how is he gonna whoop his enemies' behinds? Oh... I see. That's amazing swordplay, indeed. No need for gadgets and gimmicks when you have that good old sword. Alright then, Prince. As the unwitting incompetent narrator of this story I'm now convinced that you'll do just fine. Even though you're up against an angry, destructive deity this time. Oh, you didn't know about THAT? Well, don't worry, carry on with your adventure.

In 2008 Prince of Persia served as a reboot to the iconic action-adventure series, originally created by the gaming industry visionary Jordan Mechner. The game features a new storyline, brings in a fresh batch of characters and enemies, offers some original gameplay mechanics, and--once again--re-designs combat sequences. It's back to the original one-on-one sword duels, but this time the enemies are often larger, stronger and more dangerous. Luckily the Prince has the mysterious (and frankly: quite cute) Elika on his side, to support him with her magical powers. All of this, presented in highly stylized cel-shaded graphics that makes the game a real feast for the eyes.

Feel the sun-scorched desert sands under your feet as you race towards a whole new breathtaking adventure in Prince of Persia, for only $9.99!
Trilarion: "Not Old, not Good. atleast is a Game, I guess."

Why do people post such nonsense reviews? There is no use in it.
Fuzzyfireball: Because people are idiots.

Don't be like that, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Fantastic game, thanks.
Fuzzyfireball: Because people are idiots.

NightK: Don't be like that, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
My opinion is that most people are idiots. Kitty face.
NightK: Don't be like that, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Fuzzyfireball: My opinion is that most people are idiots. Kitty face.
catpower1980: Does it support natively (no joy2key, etc.) the x360 gamepad?
Yes, perfectly. It even switches the in game button prompts to the 360 layout.
Fuzzyfireball: My opinion is that most people are idiots. Kitty face.
NightK: Touche!
Heh, but seriously, if you don't like the game you should state why. Not fill the reviews with garbage like that. Oh well.
tburger: For a moment I cried: FInally! And then I saw 're-envisioned installment from 2008' That was cruel GOG.
TheEnigmaticT: Bwahaha.
You're doing it wrong, TET.
Bought this game at release to support DRM free efforts. Actually enjoyed the game alot and played almost to the finish. Came to a section that I simply could not complete. Tried for hours but could not complete the section. Kept the game installed for years and had dozens of friends and relatives of all ages try to complete the section using a keyboard and / or an Xbox controller. None succeeded so I finally uninstalled it.

I never found any patches for the game so my question . . is this the same, exact version released in 2008 or does the GOG release included patches / fixes?

If it does I will repurchase the game as I would like to finish it . . . =)
nijuu: Wasn't one of the criticisms of this game was it was too easy and you couldn't really die?.
Sort of? Basically if you fell off the edge, an animation would play of your partner rescuing you and dropping you off at the beginning of the obstacle. So basically it was just an in game way of explaining checkpoints, but people reacted badly. Seriously, if the animation was of the Prince falling and getting dashed against the rocks, no one would have complained. It's weird.
Stuff: Bought this game at release to support DRM free efforts. Actually enjoyed the game alot and played almost to the finish. Came to a section that I simply could not complete. Tried for hours but could not complete the section. Kept the game installed for years and had dozens of friends and relatives of all ages try to complete the section using a keyboard and / or an Xbox controller. None succeeded so I finally uninstalled it.

I never found any patches for the game so my question . . is this the same, exact version released in 2008 or does the GOG release included patches / fixes?

If it does I will repurchase the game as I would like to finish it . . . =)
There's no necessary patches, I completed the original release of the game from start to finish on PC. Maybe you were just trying to do it the wrong way? I would sometimes beat my head against a certain part until I noticed a ledge I had not seen before.
Post edited September 18, 2012 by PenutBrittle
Stuff: If it does I will repurchase the game as I would like to finish it . . . =)
In case you still don't manage to beat the section - you may send your savegame to a community member who has beaten it and do it for you. And then he'll return a savegame with the next checkpoint of course. ^^
PenutBrittle: Sort of? Basically if you fell off the edge, an animation would play of your partner rescuing you and dropping you off at the beginning of the obstacle. So basically it was just an in game way of explaining checkpoints, but people reacted badly. Seriously, if the animation was of the Prince falling and getting dashed against the rocks, no one would have complained. It's weird.
To which I'd add that if you fail, you're always returned to the last spot where the Prince stood with both feet on solid ground (which is basically your ad-hoc checkpoint), but the obstacle courses in between those moments get progressively longer and more complicated. So it's not quite as easy as it sounds on paper, even though it definitely isn't terribly challenging, either.
PenutBrittle: ...
F4LL0UT: ...
Thanks for the suggestions and input, having tried every method, read every walkthru, having dozens of different people also try (some POSITIVE they could finish the section) I feel I gave it a fair try.

Having someone else finish the section would not be very enjoyable for me. I was hoping there might be some fixes added to this release. Still have the game so I might give it another try someday.
NightK: Touche!
Fuzzyfireball: Heh, but seriously, if you don't like the game you should state why. Not fill the reviews with garbage like that. Oh well.
I agree with you on that but I was talking about expressing that way in the forums.
What's struck me is the price. Whereas HoMM 5 and Assassin's Creed got $20 price points, this equally recent game gets a $10 price point. Lesson learned by Ubisoft?

Here's hoping that this is leading into a DRM-free release of the various UPlay games like Assassin's Creed 2.
I liked this game but already have it. I would like to see this Prince again, but with more challenge next time.