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<i>Current Mission:</i> [url=]S2: Silent Storm Gold Edition
Availability: available now for $9.99
Operational Contact:

Mission Briefing:
It is the year 1943. You need to put together a group of elite soldiers, penetrate the enemy infrastructure, obtain top-secret information, and blow everything the hell up. The complete assignment involves finishing two Allied and Axis campaigns, utilizing six separate player classes, and testing large number of maps, weapons, and items. Even though you may believe you’ve already completed such missions earlier, I can guarantee that S2: Silent Storm Gold Edition is something special in the tactical TBS genre: huge variety of gameplay possibilities with excellent 3D graphics and great physics make it one of the best team strategies ever.

Ability to think, click, and react required. Some basic military expertise beneficial but not required. If no previous training in this genre has been received, you will be trained.

An advanced Silent Storm engine, with completely destroyable environment and ragdoll physics, was created specifically to assist you on this mission. In addition to that you will receive the Silent Storm - Sentinels expansion, the soundtrack, manual, avatars, and , finally, wallpapers.

Extra Information:
Our intelligence reports show that the game has received a "E3 2003 Best of Show" award in the tactical genre. Later critic reviews and fan-reception proved that S2: Silent Storm is not a game that should be taken lightly. As one of the reports states: “Anybody who even kind of liked "Jagged Alliance" or its sequel should have already left by now for the store to pick up a copy.”

Mission Objective:
Destroy Everything!
This game absolutely rocks!! The destructible environments are what absolutely make this game. They create so many options. Do you take out an enemy by walking through the front door guns blazing, sneaking in through the back door stealthily planting a bullet in their back - point blank range, or do you take a bazooka and create your own door, possibly blowing up your target in the process... Heck, you can even maneuver your way under an opponent and blow the floor out from beneath them, absolutely brilliant...

Some people didn't like where the story led, eventually turning a little less than realistic (hmm, I'm surprised that the screenshots on the game card give this away; I always believed that it was supposed to be a plot twist), but I enjoyed it myself. The only potential problem with this game in my eyes was the pacing. The AI takes *way* too much time on its turns. If anyone ever had a problem with the slow gameplay of previous turn based strategy games, this is absolutely not the one to change their minds. Oh, and this game always screamed multi-player to me. It's too bad it's only a solo experience.
Post edited June 12, 2012 by yyahoo
This is an instant buy for sure and I already own hard copies of all three of them (hopefully Hammer and Sickle makes it's way to GoG as well).

I have never heard of this game but it looks fantastic.
Purebreed: This is an instant buy for sure and I already own hard copies of all three of them (hopefully Hammer and Sickle makes it's way to GoG as well).

Now we only need Soldiers at War!
Oh sweet baby Jesus!!! I was totally not expecting something this awesome to drop by. *throws his money at gog!*

Thank you, thank you very much. :)
OMG YES!!!!!!

After exhausting all offensive tactical possibilities in JA2 1.13, I started searching all over eBay for a copy of S2 to whet my appetite for more tactical turn-based goodness. I'm still going to buy a boxed copy from eBay, but this will do nicely for now, since I can play it almost immediately (great download speeds). It's great that Nival gets the money for this too.
Post edited June 12, 2012 by lowyhong
TheEnigmaticT: Sometime in the near-ish future. But not Thursday, no.
didn't actually expect an answer, but thanks a lot. Carmageddon is probably my most anticipated GOG release yet. i just hope 3D acceleration will be properly implemented. if nGlide is used, it shouldn't be a problem, though.


Why you had to release this now !? The agony, I promised my wife that I won't buy another game before the trip, but this! THIS!?

HereForTheBeer: Pardon my ignorance here and my likely misreading of the game card. Since it's called S2, does that mean there was an earlier version not included in this package, or is it simply a blurb added on to signify the bigness of this package with the core game and expansions?
sure, Silent Storm isn't that long a name, but to abbreviate it as "SS" would be rather silly given the era it takes place in :)
Holy crap, thank you! I've been trying to get a copy of this for YEARS, but the cost in the secondary market have been prohibitively high! This is just one more example of how GOG freaking rocks. Thanks again!!
First I read Silent Service. No bother, this is good as well.
A good game let down by being unbalanced. The game purposely makes your character poorer than the rest of your squad. Ultimately this makes experience points seem pointless for your main character, as your comrades recruits build up to be far better than your own character, especially in terms of skills. Good concept, could have been great.
Veloxi: Holy crap, thank you! I've been trying to get a copy of this for YEARS, but the cost in the secondary market have been prohibitively high! This is just one more example of how GOG freaking rocks. Thanks again!!
Yeah no kidding. I've been camping eBay for a few weeks for a boxed S2 (the original, non-Gold version), and I haven't spotted a copy below $20. I guess the retail game didn't sell very well.
I would have written a review but since I didn't buy it from GOG and haven't played it for a couple of years it wouldn't be fair. Nevertheless, TRY THIS GAME! it's truly awesome. I have nothing but fond memories of it. Graphics are great and those screenshots don't do justice. GUARANTEED FUN (more so if you enjoyed XCOM), though it could be $5 instead of 10$