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Scrub in!

Surgeon Simulator 2013, an over-the-top operation sim game full of dark humor, cartoonish gore, and twisted ideas, is available 50% off on That's only $4.99 for the first week.

Mr. Smith, let me explain the procedure in laymans terms. The X-Rays clearly show a 1963 Chevrolet Corvette-shaped mass in your stomach. In the interview you've told my intern that you've swallowed a matchbox car, but I have ruled that out as the cause. This leaves me with no other choice but to open you up, Mr. Smith, and see what the problem is. Since our hospital's generous new investor, who has recently expanded from the furniture industry, funded our new state-of-the art surgical laser, I will attempt to do this the least invasive way. Namely, I will proceed through the cranium. The brain will be in the way, so it'll need to be temporarily removed, so I can insert this here spying glass in the cavity and push it through to the abdomen. Don't worry, your brain will be resting safely in this here ice bucket. Mr. Smith? You look pale. Are you ok? Oh my god! He fainted! I need a doctor here!

Surgeon Simulator 2013 is a title based on the (false, but entertaining) premise, that surgery is a bucket-load of fun. Here's a game where you control the steady hand of a well-trained medical professional performing an operation. Well, that's not true. The hand is far from being steady, and the doctor apparently found their medical licence in a cereal box. That shouldn't stop you from cracking open some virtual rib-cages and crania and poking around there with various tools, some even passable as medical equipment. If you've ever played the classic table-top Milton Bradley's "Operation" as a kid, you're more than well-qualified to handle all the challenges this crazy title throws at you. With tons of clever and funny ideas, over-the-top dark humor, special features like the alien autopsy, and even support for the Oculus Rift display and Razer Hydra controller, Surgeon Simulator 2013 is the best modern source of gaming medical humor in existence!

Do you need a fun way to do something with your god complex, but don't really have time and resources to go through medical school? You can always buy a licence abroad or take the cheapest option and get Surgeon Simulator 2013, for only $4.99 on The 50% off release discount offer lasts until Thursday, October 17, at 12:59PM GMT.
What are the chances we could get the alpha here?
tinyE: There is an "Alien Autopsy" option here so I would imagine the developers had tongue firmly in cheek.

On a side note, the discount last a week but there is no count down on there. Can anyone give me an approximate time because I'm broke today but I won't be in a few days.
"Thursday, October 17, at 12:59PM GMT." It's in the OP ...
Licurg: "Thursday, October 17, at 12:59PM GMT." It's in the OP ...
Yeah.....I knew that.....I just wanted to see if you did. :D
Well now my reluctance to buy this slice of craziness on Steam has been justified by more than just 'OMG, backlog!'
JLFusion: This is the point. This game is literally a joke where you're suppose to fight against the control.
Paying 5 bucks for a joke now?
JLFusion: This is the point. This game is literally a joke where you're suppose to fight against the control.
Like drunk sex!
Ophelium: Some demented part of me wants this, but then I remember the next game I buy is my 200th. This really shouldn't be it.
You actually made me curious what my 200th game was as I hadn't paid any attention to it when buying it. According to my account page it's Wing Commander 1+2. Gotta say that the good taste of my subconscious makes me proud. As a matter of fact it has a much better taste than my conscious.

As for Surgeon Simulator... as fun as it looks, the way I get it it actually is one big joke and I'm not sure I can get much fun out of it by playing it myself after having seen the videos.
Crosmando: Paying 5 bucks for a joke now?
Well, while I've basically said the same thing in this post (the same as you I mean) - you know, Octodad and QWOP have a similar concept and I've gladly paid for QWOP and can't wait to get the commercial Octodad game that is coming out for PS4. Maybe Surgeon Simulator actually is worth playing as well.
Post edited October 10, 2013 by F4LL0UT
I hope this is a joke....
ShadowWulfe: This was an instabuy. I feel like with just this I could completely ace surgery rounds.

Awww yeah.
tinyE: That would be cute.

- What are you doing to him doctor?
- Oh, I'm not a doctor, but I played Surgeon Simulator 2013 last night.
Lol! Dude, that's hilarious. Hahaha!
I'm totally going to buy this baaaaad mutha-F-word 2morrow, G.

I had to say that, I don't know why but I feel a whole lot better.

It looks absolutely hilarious. I love how the hand seems to so casually fling stuff around the room while performing the operation. I love how one of the first things in the trailer is the hand smashing the ribcage into little glassy shards with a hammer which then flings the patients large intestine across the room.

Best game of all time right here folks.
Post edited October 10, 2013 by fortune_p_dawg
Eh...I don't know.

I guess I'll give it a shot since it's half off. I really didn't expect the game to come here of all places. =/
nijuu: I hope this is a joke....
tell your mom i said hi
nijuu: I hope this is a joke....
I thought here of all communities would have a sense of humor.
JMich: There's a T missing. It should be stimulator ;)
tinyE: Now you are just being silly. Who on Earth would want to stimulate a fish?
Guys. I had a really bad morning. Up until now. You never fail to crack me up :-D
Not my cup o' tea, but it's probably the perfect drunken entertainment to enjoy with friends.
Dear GOG, what have you done with the Linux version?

Yours sincerely,

A patient Linux user.
Game is definitely a joke - but a surprisingly fun one. Definitely funny to sit around with a group of friends and laugh at each other.