For simplicity, I am ignoring several factors that don't really matter (e.g., GOG's cut, dev cut vs publisher cut, exactly which business sends the VAT check, etc.). All VAT rates are from
. (Want to check my math? [url=]Here's a VAT calculator.)
hugo360pt: US_USD -> GAME PRICE : $19.99
Customer in US pays $20 (or more when sales tax is taken into account). Dev gets $20. (Note that in the US, the
customer and not the business is generally responsible for the payment of any sales tax for online sales. And even in those cases where the business is responsible for collection {physical presence in the given state}, this is made transparent because the business will advertise the price without sales tax and sales tax will be added on as an explicit amount in the bill - the customer is responsible for knowing the sales tax in their state and thus what will be charged. Note not only the transparency, but the fairness inherent in this system -- the people who benefit from the tax pay the tax. The people living in Florida (and running a business there) do not benefit from Kentucky's collected taxes, so the people in Florida [and other states/countries] don't need to pay for Kentucky's taxes -- the people in Kentucky do.)
hugo360pt: GB_GBP -> GAME PRICE : £14.99
GB_USD -> GAME PRICE : $24.09
UK VAT is 20%. In order for the dev to get their $20, they have to charge $24 (which converted and then rounded to the nearest psychological ".99" number in the native currency is £14.99).
hugo360pt: FR_USD -> GAME PRICE : $22.59
Same as UK - VAT is 20% in France, the dev "should" be charging the Frenchies $24. $22.59 is a deal. (In fact, this isn't even a "due to rounding" deal - 18.99 euros would still be less than $24, so they did not need to go to the lower price of 17.99 just to get the ".99" - they just gave the Frenchies a better deal for other reasons.)
hugo360pt: DE_USD -> GAME PRICE : $22.59
VAT in Germany is 19%. In order for the dev to get their $20 they would have to charge $23.80 for the game. $22.59 is a deal. (Instead of a tiny rounding up to 18.99 euros they went with a much larger rounding down to 17.99.)
hugo360pt: PL_USD -> GAME PRICE : $22.59
VAT in Poland is 23%. In order for the dev to get their $20 they would have to charge $24.60 for the game. $22.59 is a deal. (Even more "rounding down" going on here than for France.)
hugo360pt: AU_AUD -> GAME PRICE : A$22.99
AU_USD -> GAME PRICE : $20.09
Australia - no VAT. Dev gets their $20 by charging $20 (rounded to the nearest psychological ".99" in terms of $AUD.)
If EU citizens want VAT, then they should pay for it -
that is only fair. (And if you don't like the higher prices, then get rid of VAT. You can't have it both ways.)
In fact, due to GOG's (
un)"fair pricing policy" (giving of GOG credit which math says on the business side
has to be made-up financially somewhere else), money collected from people in some non-EU countries (like the US) is being used to subsidize the whiny self-entitled math-challenged little bitches in the EU (as well as those in the EU who are not whiny self-entitled math-challenged little bitches, though those EU-ians don't seem to speak up so much in the GOG forums on the topic of regional pricing - do they exist? I want to believe! I really do!). And even when they are being subsidized (and therefore getting a
better deal than the US) they
still keep whining!
Just shut the fuck up already! And note that even though the GOG credit subsidy may not apply to those few that really have no use for GOG credit, that does not negate the existence of VAT and the need of the dev (and/or publisher and/or GOG) to pay it, and therefore a "true" one-world pricing would just make that same VAT-subsidization apply all the time -- and this is what all the whiners want. (An explicit VAT-add -- everyone getting the same base price but applicable taxes added on to that would be fair, but I haven't heard the whiners calling for that.)
(And for those replying -- if I don't get around to responding to your reply, note that it will be because your reply is simply not worthy of a response. It's really sad that I can know in advance that there will be a multitude of such replies, and that the truth is made so unwelcome {and thus scarce} on the GOG forums, but I personally will not bend to other people's stupidity so when I choose to speak, the truth it shall be. Now go ahead and spew stupidity about how it's only "fair" that I subsidize your taxes while you do not subsidize mine.)