Posted March 09, 2012

I mean, I can see what you're saying... but come on.
But I don't blame them, even Steam, for low prices. I don't believe any game publisher is forced to sell their games through any service that they feel is selling their game too cheaply, and putting too early to promo sales.
But then, I feel they shouldn't really expect to sell their games for the same prices as they did in the era of retail-only games, because the retail games had resale value (or even gift value). Digital games don't, so digital games should cost less by default, at least in many customers' eyes.
The developers complain that the cost of making games is sky rocketing, but that is their problem to figure out, not a law of nature. Why are the costs sky rocketing, are development kits of today that much harder to use, that much more testing is needed, the International Game Developer Union is rising the wages so much etc.? Or, the stupid developers insist in making movie-wannabe games which have movie budgets?
The complaint of development costs is similar as if movie makers would say all movie ticket prices would have to double due to increased movie making costs. e.g. due to implementing 3D technology into movies. Awww, tough.
Post edited March 09, 2012 by timppu