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1. You start off with two wingmen

2. You serve as the parties Tank while the two wingmen serve as Mage and Healer

3. The roles your ships serve are the same roles the pilots serve when boarding and raiding ships

4. Your ships can combine to make one large and powerful robot like Voltron

5. Taken from Galaga, you can allow enemy ships to capture you with a tractor beam then set yourself free with a wingman. The wingman can only retract you by setting the 'Voltron' ability in motion. Two ships connected equals twice shields and power. Three ships together make the robot.

6. Later you will be able to transform without need of enemy tractor beam capture but the ability will have finite regerating use so tractor beam capture may still be usefull when you do not have enough energy.

7. Throughout the galaxy you will be able to recruit (via $ or questing favors) other party types like 'Thieves' and 'Scouts' for example which allow you access to areas and situations you were not able to access earlier.

8. The game will focus on much less buttons than most shooters therefor making it more quickly accessible with a light learning curve and practical for gamepad use.

Please excuse typos...too lazy to edit right now.
Post edited October 16, 2013 by carnival73
Sounds quite interesting. What are your thoughts on perspective? I'm thinking top-down (either 2D or 2.5D) with free-scrolling movement.
Wishbone: Sounds quite interesting. What are your thoughts on perspective? I'm thinking top-down (either 2D or 2.5D) with free-scrolling movement.
Just like all the others. I've been trying to map game pad for Privateer and Evochron and getting really frustrated at how overly complicated and sim like most space shooters are.

I want to see something sophisticated enough to remain interesting but with much less buttons .....closest I've come so far is Dark Star One which was more action than sim but not too simple to the point of becoming dull quick.

And BTW if I haven't accidentally already ripped off someones' intellectual property via that stupid psychic thing that most artists have and accidentally rip one another off with....

I'd be more than happy to see someone, with the ability to do so, take on this idea. I'd only want 10% royalty and a free copy of the finished product. *grins*
Post edited October 16, 2013 by carnival73
You could actually have AI party or Co-OP
Ability to jump into AI craft and have AI take over the 'tank'?

Voltron sounds awesome but the Galaga thing, while fun at the time in the early 80's doesn't make a whole lot of 'real world' sense IMHO
What kind of 'spells' are you thinking for the mage? Big flashy specials with long cool-down?
carnival73: I want to see something sophisticated enough to remain interesting but with much less buttons .....closest I've come so far is Dark Star One which was more action than sim but not too simple to the point of becoming dull quick.
Something like SPAZ? I haven't tried it with a gamepad (don't own one) but it didn't seem like a particularly complicated matter to control the ships and issue various commands.
carnival73: 1. You start off with two wingmen

2. You serve as the parties Tank while the two wingmen serve as Mage and Healer

3. The roles your ships serve are the same roles the pilots serve when boarding and raiding ships

4. Your ships can combine to make one large and powerful robot like Voltron

5. Taken from Galaga, you can allow enemy ships to capture you with a tractor beam then set yourself free with a wingman. The wingman can only retract you by setting the 'Voltron' ability in motion. Two ships connected equals twice shields and power. Three ships together make the robot.

6. Later you will be able to transform without need of enemy tractor beam capture but the ability will have finite regerating use so tractor beam capture may still be usefull when you do not have enough energy.

7. Throughout the galaxy you will be able to recruit (via $ or questing favors) other party types like 'Thieves' and 'Scouts' for example which allow you access to areas and situations you were not able to access earlier.

8. The game will focus on much less buttons than most shooters therefor making it more quickly accessible with a light learning curve and practical for gamepad use.

Please excuse typos...too lazy to edit right now.
Those ideas reminds me of Getter Robo series. It's the first Japanese animated series that feature transformation by combining 3 planes into 3 different combinations depend on the formation. It inspire all transformable robots including Transformers.