Posted October 13, 2013

New User
Registered: Jul 2013
From Colombia

New User
Registered: May 2010
From Italy
Posted October 13, 2013

Patch released
AEGIS Avenger in Hangar
RSI Aurora Legionnaire is now available
Final art concepts for Retaliator and Gladiator released
Happy birthday to RSI/CIG and happy birthday to me :o]

Gallifrey Spires
Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted October 13, 2013
In your humble opinion.
Forum's in disarray without dedicated sub-folders for General, Other Games, Off-Topic. I'm not going to wade through page after page to find something. GOG need to get a better forum designer, or one that actually listens.
Forum's in disarray without dedicated sub-folders for General, Other Games, Off-Topic. I'm not going to wade through page after page to find something. GOG need to get a better forum designer, or one that actually listens.

Need fresh blood :)
Registered: Nov 2011
From France
Posted October 13, 2013

Forum's in disarray without dedicated sub-folders for General, Other Games, Off-Topic. I'm not going to wade through page after page to find something. GOG need to get a better forum designer, or one that actually listens.

As i said , you could ask to a moderator (gog personnal) to change the title of a topic (or make a support ticket, i know it's a little bit weird, but why not ?). Imagine if this game get 23 / 24 or even 25 M through crowfunding ; will you make a topic each time ? You have totaly the right to do so of course,
You could mark your own topic as favorite (if not already done) , this will be easy to find it , the drawback is you can't do that to too much topics :/
It's just a little effort to help you and others.Now it's just a suggestion ;)
Post edited October 13, 2013 by DyNaer

Le Moustache
Registered: Jun 2011
From Other
Posted October 14, 2013

Forum's in disarray without dedicated sub-folders for General, Other Games, Off-Topic. I'm not going to wade through page after page to find something. GOG need to get a better forum designer, or one that actually listens.

Also like what DyNaer said, there's a check box to favourite this thread. It's perfect if you don't want to lose your closely followed thread. Also there's a search engine you can easily use to find old threads. Why do you think a lot of necro threads got revived? Because they actually have common sense to use their brain to SEARCH for topic they want to look at.

New User
Registered: May 2010
From Italy
Posted October 14, 2013

Forum's in disarray without dedicated sub-folders for General, Other Games, Off-Topic. I'm not going to wade through page after page to find something. GOG need to get a better forum designer, or one that actually listens.

for the moment, try to 'equal' my humble score....
Post edited October 14, 2013 by meudoland

I'm just a man
Registered: Jan 2011
From Australia
Posted October 14, 2013
low rated
People downrepping and getting flustered/<insert relevant descriptor here> over someone being excited and making a few threads?
We're better than this, aren't we? :( We're all meant to be a big family here (at least that's how I see it). I know some people might not like nor agree with u2jedi's excitement or thread-making fervour, but can't you just be happy for him? Can't people just leave it be and it [thread] will eventually go on it's natural course?
We're better than this, aren't we? :( We're all meant to be a big family here (at least that's how I see it). I know some people might not like nor agree with u2jedi's excitement or thread-making fervour, but can't you just be happy for him? Can't people just leave it be and it [thread] will eventually go on it's natural course?

Jack Keane 2016!
Registered: Jul 2011
From Netherlands
Posted October 14, 2013
People love to play self appointed forum moderators. Especially when it's against an easy target.
Oh and Elite 4 will be much better! (I love to rain on parades)
Oh and Elite 4 will be much better! (I love to rain on parades)
Post edited October 14, 2013 by jamotide

go Clarice!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Russian Federation
Posted October 14, 2013

Registered: Mar 2012
From United States
Posted October 14, 2013
22 Million??!! That's a hell of a lot of money, jesus!

Warrior of Derp
Registered: Sep 2008
From Poland
Posted October 14, 2013
Christ, guys. Getting downrepped is not the end of the world. Let it go, smell the flowers, relax, listen to some elevator music.

Jack Keane 2016!
Registered: Jul 2011
From Netherlands
Posted October 14, 2013
I was not talking about the minus button, Oprah (?). I am perfectly fine with liberal use of that. I was talking about all the annoying posts of people who berate the OP for making too many threads. So stop crying.

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted October 14, 2013

- within the thread, check the box for "This is my favorite topic". It will then show up as a link in a very-easy-to-find place of prominence on the forum.
- below that is the section for "Topics I have participated in". Clicking the "show more" button will display another five topics, and so on, until you find the particular thread in which you participated.
Likewise, you can go to My Account -> Forum replies to see where you've posted in the past week.
Give them a try - pretty handy.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other