VABlitz: I'd rather see reboots of a few other sci-fi series (Farscape, Firefly, Babylon 5, Space Above and Beyond), but any sci-fi series is welcome in my opinion, even reboots, as long as they are done well.
How do you reboot a series that got everything right? That's a daunting task. Farscape was a deliriously delicious descent into madness; Firefly was just gorram perfect (and *so many hot women* my god...Christina Hendricks shows up as a guest star and doesn't even stand out. ...wat.), and Babylon 5 was from the get-go a five year shebang. I didn't see Space Above and Beyond, but if it belongs with those other three, I may need to.
But, how do you follow on something like that? It seems that Stargate is a much better thing to reboot, since even the people who remember it fondly don't get too rabid about it, so there's room for difference without disappointment.
Also, unless I misread this is a movie reboot, not a tv series reboot, so think less Star Trek: The Next Generation and more Total Recall. Which is a shame because every time Hollywood screws up a Phillip Dick story another piece of my soul dies v_v Man I ramble a lot when I'm tired.