I almost always find JRPGs to overstay their welcome. There is not enough gameplay variety or story in them to justify their length. That being said, I did enjoy Final Fantasy VI (though mainly the first half, second half just dragged), and Super Mario RPG (which was fun/funny all the way thorugh)
FF VII though, that never did it for me. It suffered from all the common JRPG issues:
Overly lengthy (it got incredibly repetitive towards the end), poor translation and annoying characters.
And that part that made everyone cry? I thought it felt too forced to make me cry.
8 was good in theory, but it had some rather serious flaws, and again, too long for its story.
9 was cute, but again, too long, not enough variety. I did like the main characters though, and the story was, for the most part, well told.
Basically, if JRPGs kept the amount of story that they have, and were 20h long, then I would probably play them quite often. But it feels like they are trying to inflate 20h worth of content into a 50h game most of the time.
writer2036: Final Fantasy VIII is my favorite of all the games in the series. I don't understand why so many hated on it. It seemed to have a good mind bending story, amazing FMV graphic sequences that seem to still stand up today. The Combat system I really liked too. The Guardian Forces were awesome as well.
The whole system of drawing spells from enemies. That got incredibly tedious, in particular towards the later game, where you would only draw one or two of each spell on each attempt.
Also, the main character was rather boring. He lacked any real emotional depth