StingingVelvet: It is kind of silly to buy a walkthrough considering GameFAQs... you know... exists.
I always thought Prima should go more towards the "making of" kind of book, with behind the scenes stuff dominating the book, rather than being possibly tacked-on at the end. Each "making of" could also include a walkthrough and such.
Yes and no.
Yes - of course each and every Guide sold, printed or in digital form, is somewhat questionable. Nobody really needs them, almost all information is somewhere available for free on the net.
No - having 5 or more different tabs open in your browser to getting access to all the info you need right now for a game.... sounds familiar? It's inconvenient, takes more time then necessary scanning for a specific part, and never really complete. For example: there are over 300 dungeons / places in Oblivion without any quests. Try getting information on them...
Call me nuts, but I've always been a sucker for those guides. Be it for Might & Magic 3, Ultima 7, my treasured Morrowind Prophecies or Fallout 3 - I honestly can say my gaming experience wouldn't have been the same without those. GameFAQs (which I love and use on a regularly basis) hasn't and can't change that.
And as far as "making of" goes. With gametrailers, youtube and the like, I feel this section is about equally covered.