amok: But they want. They will use those number to increase security and implement different revenue streams to make sure they will milk the pirates also.
The only way to fight DRM is to show that it can be just as profitable,and maybe even more, to not implement it. Piracy do not do so, it shows them that they need stricter controls.
You are making some pretty wild claims there, how can you claim to know how these corporations and their management think, what their business plans are and what their thoughts on piracy are?
Again as I said, if these publishers continue to make incorrect assumptions like that, then they will end up paying the price themselves. No game is uncrackable and piracy cannot be stopped, as I mentioned, whatever they think now eventually they will have to come to that conclusion.
amok: but they gained a lot of new players on also. I would not be surprised that the # of fans today is pretty equal to what it was before. The new fans would probably not mind a sequel when the time is right.
You're making that assumption now, can you say that will be the case in a few years time? Markets are rapidly changing.