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Ok, I've had this problem with a couple of the games I bought from GoG, (that is: die by the sword and gothic 2) basically the mouse seems to move very, very slowly, in DbtS that means that it's impossible to fight and in gothic it's so annoying it makes the game impossible to play.
I'm not saying that this is a GoG exclusive bug, but it seems that way since It has never happened to me before.
At first I thought it was because I have the Cpl mouse fix installed (It removes all mouse acceleration in windows in order to make you more accurate in fps) but I tried playing gothic 2 without the mouse fix and it didn't change (I didnt try DbtS but I assumed that wasnt the problem there either)
Anyway I have absolutely no Idea what this is, noone else seems to be having this problem...
Just incase it's important I use a Razer Deathadder.
Thanks for any replies :)
Post edited February 18, 2009 by aaronmeehan2000
This question / problem has been solved by Aliasalphaimage
I'm assuming the razer deathadder comes with its own drivers where you can set your own mouse speed. Have you checked the windows mouse speed to see if that is set really slow? It's possible that those two games can't use your razer drivers and revert to the original windows mouse cursor speed.
Also have you played any other games sinse the problem and is it completely exlusive to those two games as far as you know?
Yep it seems to be just those two games, and I don't actually use the razer drivers, I just reformatted and haven't bothered reinstalling them - but it seems to be working fine in everything else except those two games, the windows setting is at default (in the middle)
I just can't think what it would be...:S
Do the games have a "mouse sensitivity" setting in their options? If so, you might try turning that up a bit.
i'd recommend installing the drivers even if you're not using them to control the mouse settings... might have some software in there that will make them play nice.
@Cogadh: yeah I tried messing around with it in Gothic but it didnt make any difference :(
I might just try installing the drivers then ilves and see what happens..
I found this in another forum I frequent:
Lowering sensitivity and using max DPI is the way to go. Otherwise you're wasting the accuracy of your mouse.
Start using the on the fly sensitivity in the razer controls.
You have Windows sensitivity and Razer sensitivity (1-10).
Also windows scales mouse movements on everything higher and lower than 6/11, so set that to 6, simply lower it in Razer CP instead.
Enable on the fly, bind it to one of the side buttons, all you need to do is hold mouse4/5 down and scroll up/down on the mousewheel to change the sensivity per game, and you shouldn't be having any problems.

Do you have any other games that are the same age as your GOG ones? They might have been using the mouse differently & bypassing windows sensitivity settings. Are there any settings in the INI files that pertain to mouse sensitivity you could edit?
Post edited February 18, 2009 by Aliasalpha
Thanks for all the replies, I seem to have fixed it in Gothic 2, according to a guide on gamefaqs the mouse sensitivity is just horribly low by default (even at max setting) so I just changed it in the .ini file to a higher sensitivity than ingame options allow.
I have no idea what's up with DbtS though, I even tried installing my razer drivers and messing around with on the fly but the sensitivity doesnt go high enough to make it playable..
Ah well I guess Gothic will keep me entertained for now :)
aaronmeehan2000: I have no idea what's up with DbtS though, I even tried installing my razer drivers and messing around with on the fly but the sensitivity doesnt go high enough to make it playable.

Do you have a spare mouse you can try? If it works fine with a crappier mouse then your razer is the problem (probably single setting somewhere causing all the trouble and if it's anything like my usual problems, it's a checkbox staring you in the face on the first page of the settings), if the game runs the same with a crappier mouse then the game is probably the issue
aha! I tried an old rollerball mouse i had lying around and die by the sword works like a charm, no idea why it shouldn't work with my normal mouse but at least I can play it now, thanks alot! ;)
No probs mate, sometimes the weirdest things help. Is that mouse PS/2 by any chance? Maybe the game takes the sensitiity off the PS/2 port's timing, I've seen that once or twice before
Yeah it's ps/2, that must've been the problem then :)
Just started playing recently and had the same problem with a Logitech G400. In case you don't have an older spare mouse, you can try the solution posted by jabbrwokk in another thread:

[i]I fixed it by opening up the GOTHIC.INI file in the "Gothic 2 Gold/system" directory. Way down in the file there is a section with the heading [ENGINE]

Look for the line


I changed my value to


and the mouse is totally useable in game now. [/i]