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Sacred Gold, just cuz I played base game long time ago, and remember it as fun game. Also, I'm curious how it looks with expansions and I feel like killing some monsters :P

Thx for giveaway
Disciples: Sacred Land Gold, because I love strategy games and Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and this reminds me of Heroes of Might and Magic 3, count me in
FlatOut, because I remember playing it on PS2 with my cousin many years ago, and would like to enjoy it again.

Can't help with Jagged Alliance as I have never played either of them.

Thanks for the giveaway, and good luck everyone!
In for Strategic Command: European Theater because I like turn based strategy and free stuff! Thanks!
In for Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games. Reason being because it's the only JA game I haven't played and/or owned at some point. I've played most if not all of the others, except the new one (Back in Action) and JA Online.
damien: As for the JA, you should definitely start with JA2. Firstly, it is the best game in the series. Graphically it is still beautiful, so I would make my start with this one to learn the mechanics and then play the first game.

Unfinished Business is not very good (I have finished this one too) and Wildfire is extremely difficult. Go with Jagged Alliance 2
This. Play JA2. It is the best one. Wildfire is bloody difficult but you get many more guns to play with!
Sacred Gold. I faintly remember playing some long ago and I have misplaced the disc. It would be nice to have it on my GOG shelf instead, where I won't lose it.
Sadly, I can't give you any advice on Jagged Alliance, but I'm in for Sacred Gold! The reason: I had my eyes on it for a while because it's an RPG (and I probably own almost every single one of the ones available on GOG), but it's rather a hack'n'slash if I remember correctly, so I'm not so sure I'll like it. That and I have to play all the other RPGs in my backlog :D

Thanks for the giveaway :)
Darkstar One for me... I want a new space sim, this one probably isn't the best (by some reviews in the gamecard), but it looks good enough for me and I wanna try it. Looks more casual, in a good way.

Thank you!

as for Jagged Alliance, I only played the 2nd. Pretty good game. I would say go for it, and if you have any trouble with, just poke our always alert JMich... ;p
i'm in for Jagged Alliance 2.
Never played it, did read some reviews and watched some youtube vids
Looks pretty interesting and fun to play it
I'm in for Jagged Alliance 2, actually. I used to play it extensively, but it was back when games were on those silly plastic round things that easily break or get lost or get borrowed and never ever returned, ALEC. Cough.

Anyway, I also have fond memories of JA 1, but it's much more simple and clunky when compared to JA2, which has much, much more tactical options, equipment, delicious voice acting and Ivan. It's better across the board. Oh, and modding, my god the modding. 1.13 is just absurd.
I got myself anxious to get back to it.
My vote goes to Jagged Alliance.

Somehow I've got all the rest of the series, but not the first one.
I keep trying to play them, then saying "I really should start at the beginning..."
So I'd love to have the first one to start it off properly.
Thanks +1
In for triock

And you should try JA 2.
Pro Pinball Timeshock, I like pinballs.
Thx for the giveaway!
Not in but +1

Regarding Jagged Alliance it's interesting how in every forum I visit a very few people actually play Jagged Alliance and yet it was mentioned often in game promos.
Schnuff: Thanks +1
In for triock

And you should try JA 2.
Thank you Hippo! :D