POLE7645: I'm still surprised no one mentioned Realms of the Haunting. Not only the acting was very good, but the cutscenes were well integrated in the gameplay.
I unfortunately haven't played a lot of FMV games. The only two I remember playing was a rail shooter named Novastorm (excellent game, but so-so acting although there wasn't much) and a point-and-click adventure game named Fort Boyard: La L�gende (the acting was OK, the game was good, although being 9 didn't really helped me at the time). I'm not sure it was translated in other languages though.
But my favorite implementation is Myst IV: Revelations. It's like, you don't even notice there's a green screen at all. Even today, I still find it impressing.
I did in one of the other threads.
IMO, it wasn't an FMV game. It just had FMV. Fantastic game, though. A ton of games have FMV but aren't primarily FMV oriented. Kind of like C&C or Rebel Assault 2 or more recently Black. When I consider FMV games as a genre, I think gameplay where video is integrated into the game proper e.g. Tex Murphy, GK2, 7th Guest, 11th Hour, Noctropolis, Black Dahlia, Toonstruck, Nighttrap, Snatcher etc etc.
^It was the anagrams. I loved the game, but the anagrams drove people crazy.