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bpops: I'd say Halo and World of Warcraft both have some pretty epic songs.

The Halo one is quite interesting, if only for the fact that all the tunes are basically the same 5-6 short bits mixed and mashed together in various ways. That doesn't make it any less good though, it is one of the better albums I listen to.
Post edited June 07, 2009 by Miaghstir
Got to agree with Total Annialation the music worked well in the game and still worth listing to it outwith the game.
Another game with outstanding music was Imperium Galactica 2 (think it won an award for it) the music really enhances the gameplay especially when battles commences.
Mass effect also has a really good soundtrack very electronic and suited the sci fi nature of the game.
One soundtrack i am keen on listing to when the game comes out is Divinity 2 from what i have heard on the website it has a very vocal main title tune whch sounds fantastic (well to me anyhow).
oldschool: Everquest 2 also had an outstanding soundtrack.

I agree with that. EQ1 had decent soundtracks as well. Outcast soundtrack is, by far, my favorite (you can t compete with the symphonic orchestra of Moscow). Also, I like the HoMM2 soundtracks.
+1 for Total Annihilation
oddly though, the game soundtracks that I find myself humming most are from old gameboy games
My favorite OST (The Legend of Legaia) isn't one of the more epic ones. I mostly play console games, so bear with me:
- Chrono Cross
- The Xeno games (all of them, -saga and -gears)
- Tomb Raider Legend and Underworld
- Shadow Hearts and Shadow Hearts Covenant
- Zone of the Enders the Second Runner
- Final Fantasy VII and VIII
- Kingdom Hearts II
- Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
- The Longest Journey and Dreamfall: The Longest Journey
Twisted Metal, soundtrack by Rob Zombie was perfect for that game.
Metroid Prime, and Metroid games in general had great soundtracks.
Terminal Velocity
most games by Bioware and Ubisoft. I think they were all mentioned above.
Eh, a few in no particular order:
Total Annihilation
PlaneScape : Torment
Mass Effect
Age of Conan
Icewind Dale I & II
D&D : Warriors of the Eternal Sun
Terra Nova : Strike Force Centauri
Eve Online
Mask of the Betrayer
Dawn of War I & II
lowyhong: Actually I started the thread just to discuss Age of Conan's soundtrack, but everyone seems to be having a good time discussing their epic/favourite soundtracks, I'd hate to be an ass and spoil the fun ;)

While you intended to discuss the AoC soundtrack, your thread title encourages otherwise. ;)
In that vein, I'd like to say two of the ones I've heard recently that I really like are The Witcher and Dawn of War 2. Cheers. :)
This isn't MOST EPIC, but I figured I'd necro a thread rather than create a new one. (Maybe should have necro'd a different one, though.)

Lovin' this cover of Comix Zone's "Welcome to the Temple" stage! :) Quite rockin'

Here's the theme cover. Also quite rockin'.
I don't know about the thread but you can't imagine the necromancy you performed to my memory! I had totally forgotten about that game. Music, gameplay, everything. And I was very impressed back then when I played it. Good job!

Also in general I know many object in thread necro'ing, but in many cases I can't find a reason to agree. Especially when there so much delightful info in it, such as in this one. So thanks for the necro. :)

And to add something relevant, the most epic soundtrack that comes to mind is Icewind Dale. I loved the game but the music was half the experience. I can't recall any other game that the music was integrated so seamlessly as that.
Assasin's Creed 1 OST is quite good... like all Jasper Kyd's OSTs for games are :)
AndyBuzz: And to add something relevant, the most epic soundtrack that comes to mind is Icewind Dale. I loved the game but the music was half the experience. I can't recall any other game that the music was integrated so seamlessly as that.
I couldn't agree more. It's really the only OST I'll still listen to solo and be transported back to the various maps. Unprecedented for me.

And I'll also 3rd (or 4th or 5th) Homeworld. That game's tunage was so good and so perfect for the vast spaces of... space and the sensation of long odds tinged with melancholy.
Talk about epic feeling......I'll pick HoMM4. All the tracks give a great epic and fantasy feel
FF Tactics Awesome music.

Baldurs Gate I and II and last exspansion (Do you ever just sit and listen to the menu music playing, amazing)

Wild Arms

Elderscrolls Morrowind

Icewind Dale

Whoops cant believe I forgot Planescape Torment

I think proper game music is not realized currently in the gaming industry as being that important. I mean I cant think of any recent releases, where I just sat and listened to the music for awhile.

Dont know if this was posted all ready but check out this Remix for Baldurs Gate, I thought it was pretty amazing.
Post edited April 20, 2012 by begolf00
Unreal by Epic Games... some of the best Impulse Tracker songs ever created...