Im from Germany and i want to buy two packs, which are both either not available or overpriced.
Digital Distribution Service: Steam
Steam username: dragonmasterx2
id Super Pack 34,99 $ + vat ( no availability in Germany)
Lucas arts adventure pack 2,49 $ + vat ( 6€ in germany and one game missing)
im not 100% sure about the usprice and i dont know the exact ukprice, but both would be ok for me.
It would be verv very nice, if somebody form the uk or the us would gift me this 2 packs.
Im willing to pay per paypal and even a nice extra bonus ( say 5$) for the inconvenience that this will cause.
soulgrindr: If anyone was to gift a Mirror's Edge to me on steam for $4.99 then it'd be much appreciated. Could gift something of the same approx value on steam or gog in return. Account name is similar, but without the end "r" and with a "_" in the middle.
I'm in the gog steam group if that helps.
Also, if they do a good deal on Dark Messiah then i'd appreciate it if someone could let me know the price... i can't even see it from over here so i have no idea.
I could do it for:
Dark Messiah 4,99€
Mirror's Edge 3,74€
Then you could do me a favour in return?
Could you state your exact steam-username, if you are in interested im willing to do the first step.