Elmofongo: I especially cannot wait to use the 2 awesome mods for the game, Middle Earth and Hyrule is gonna be awesome.
The middle-earth mod is absolutely fantastic. Never played Hyrule, but I can definitely vouch for the former.
Elmofongo: Speaking of Total War why has there not been a "Modern Warfare" Total Warfare. At least either World War 1-2 or even current Warfare now?
The only thing I can see why not is because modern style warfare with automatic FireArms is much more chaotic and dynamic compare to the predictable style warfares of ancient to imperial ages.
Well, yes, that. There's always Empire and Napoleon, of which I have especially enjoyed the latter (probably due to the theme) and those either introduce or polish up very fun concepts which significantly changes the gameplay around. Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai uses firearms in quite a fun fashion as well, and mixes them up with the original, meele-focused combat of the previous games AND there are sea battles to top it off (... and yet I liked Napoleon better than Shogun, go figure). Nonetheless, all of those were based around battle using tight-knit formations of troops, which are relatively easy to manage from gameplay standpoint. World War 1 and 2 were a lot more chaotic, especially the second one (speaking of, Brothers in Arms are fantastic games as well), so the Total War formula would need to be changed a lot more. That being said, I do think that World War 1 setting would work really well with Total War games.