Posted May 13, 2011

First Batch of Winners, Friday 13/05 2011:
{Warning, the following entry might contain sections that can be slightly not safe for work or school. Beware your boss. Also, there are some spoilers of The Witcher 1. You have been warned.}.
As I don't like charity or effortlessly gifts I've made a promo "magazine" to deserve it. I hope you like it. You can download it at:
{Oh. Oh, it is good. It is very, very good. High-resolution images from Witcher 2? Check. Great preview narrative that we easily could have taken for something out of a real magazine? Check. Pullout posters? Uh uh. There is no doubt about it, Nikou is the first winner of our newly reconstructed White Wolf Award. There will be two more later today. For now, enjoy this epic entry from a master fan of the Witcher!}
Gold Award Winner:
“I thought I'd write a piece set in the parts of the Witcher's world that I'm familiar with, with being a writer. I'd have chose something original but settled on 'fanfic' with it feeling appropiate. I'm not too well up on the lore so hopefully it fits. Also, I avoided naming the witcher in case there were any conflicts with the characters.
My contest entry
The poor littered the streets of Vizima’s Temple Quarter, like trash cast out of the nobles’ houses. Flies buzzed around the streets and alleyways, while the commoners coughed and tried to keep themselves warm while fighting disease.
In comparison, where the witcher now walked, the Trade Quarter seemed a place of cleanliness. Few, if any, ‘scum’ wandered the streets and the witcher mused that the nobles plaguing this district with their money and stuck-up views should be the ones trying to make ends meet in the Temple Quarter. Indeed, the word 'scum' should more be used to describe the rich who live life in luxury.
But alas, a job was a job and he was not one to turn down a tidy sum of orens that came from the purse of a rich man. He’d found the notice that the nobleman had put up outside of a tavern in the Temple Quarter and looking up at the man’s house, he knew that the payment would not disappoint, despite the task being one that wouldn’t be easy.
He knocked on the door and a fat man, dressed in red finery, answered. The man looked the Witcher up and down. ‘Here because of the notice, witcher?’
The man, called Bernard, stepped outside after spitting. ‘Good, witcher. The Striga has plagued us for a while now. Cursed beast.’
The Witcher nodded. ‘I’ve heard tell of it. Where does it rest?’
‘The cemetary in the Temple Quarter. You do not wish to know the details?’
‘Only whether you wish it dead or cured.’
‘Very well. Payment?’
‘We’ll discuss that when the deed’s done, witcher.’
The witcher nodded, though he expected Bernard to try and cheat him. It was no worry, for he knew he’d get the payment in the end. ‘I’ll be back when the deed’s done.’
The witcher had entered the cemetary’s crypt just before nightfall. He needed to be there for when the Striga awoke, lest he missed it. The crypt itself was quiet and torches lighted the way, with cobwebs adorning the walls and the dead sleeping peacefully within their ancient homes.
The witcher stopped the moment he heard a fierce howl. It echoed throughout the crypt’s halls and dust fell from the ceiling. Slowly, he drew his silver sword, ready for the Striga to show itself and it would need to for he waited at the only place where the Striga could leave for the city’s streets to prey on people.
The sound of a heavy creature running along the stone floor reached his ears and the noise got louder and louder, telling him that the beast was drawing closer. He remained still, his feet firmly placed on the ground as he stood in a defensive stance, prepared to tackle the Striga head on.
He first caught a glimpse of the creature’s eyes, then he saw its bulky body leaping at him. He sidestepped it swiftly and brought his sword down, slicing the Striga’s back. It fell and got back up, snarling.
They danced around each other, like two opponents figuring the other out before making their moves. The witcher was graceful in his movements, while the Striga was hunched and moved with less grace, though it was clear that the beast was agile. Underneath the creature’s dark skin, he could see its muscles moving in tandem.
The Striga moved first, again leaping at the witcher. In one swift moment, the creature saw its life extinguished as its head rolled along the floor. The witcher looked at its twitching body, before sheathing his sword, picking the Striga’s head up and leaving.
The witcher wasted no time in seeking his payment. He banged on the door, not wanting to wait about in case the guards got curious about the sack he was carrying around. Besides, he also knew what was coming.
The door opened and Bernard stood before him. Again, he didn’t invite the witcher in, because it wouldn’t do to have a witcher in a rich man’s house. ‘Is it done?’
The witcher didn’t answer. He only produced the bloody sack, offering it to Bernard.
Bernard looked inside and nodded. ‘Job well done, witcher.’ He reached for something to the left of the door. ‘As promised, your payment.’
The witcher caught the pouch, though when he felt the pouch and saw the size, he looked at Bernard. ‘My payment?’
The Witcher checked for guards, before grabbing a hold of Bernard and shoving him inside the house. ‘My payment, pig.’ The witcher let go of him, closed the door and drew a knife. ‘I suggest you pay what’s proper without alerting the guards because you know what witchers are capable of. Then, I’ll be on my way. If not, it’s been a while since I’ve had some fun with a pig.’
Bernard soiled himself, shaking. ‘Yes... yes, of course. I... I’ll go get it...’
‘Good, pig.’
Bernard retrieved several more pouches from a cabinet. ‘Is... is that satisfactory enough...?’
The witcher looked inside the pouches and checked their weight, then nodded. ‘Yes,’ then he hit Bernard in the stomach, before opening the door. ‘Next time you try to cheat someone, you may not be so lucky.’
With that, he left Bernard in a stinking, crying mess and considered the thought that nobles had never been too smart thinking they could cheat anyone. Even a witcher. “
{With an entry like that, it goes without saying: Gold all the way}.
Silver Award Winner:
{Be sure you look at the picture first before reading part 2. Art is best when you come at it unprepared}.
(Part 1)
(Part 2) Explanation of Work
“In the art, I wanted to explore the psychology behind why I play games. Fundamentally, I play games to discover who I am and who I'm not - experiencing yourself and your ideals reflected upon a character helps you find your identity in the curious thing called "reality," where only your mind defines what reality ultimately is. Is reality what it appears to be? Is there such a thing called fate? Is death final? What is death? Having a stable self-identity provides a solid foundation where we can start to evaluate and ponder upon these questions of our lifetimes… Our reflections give us comfort by aiding us in our journey of self-discovery and self-development. I think that is the underlying reason why we seek games, movies, books, etc. We seek our identity in reality - a place in the world.
I flipped the words because I wanted the viewer to experience what it's like to use another medium (mirror) to view through. I was hoping to give a sensation that reality is more than what appears to be. I was also hoping that viewing the work through the mirror would somehow create a feeling of detachment by illustrating that the "transformed reality" is more favorable than "actual reality," therefore, acknowledging the core themes of "reflection" and "identity." Witcher II was used because I wanted to form a connection to the competition which started for the promotion of Witcher II. “
{An entry that demonstrated excellent philosophical thought, perfectly reflected (literally!) in art. The ninth silver reward has found it's perfect home}.
Bronze Winner:
{Many here in the Jury could easily relate to Juice' rage, and have decided to award him the ninth Bronze Award. We hope he may find something of interest among the classics at GOG, that can wash away the disappointment of Dragon Age 2}.
I just sent my PM to you now as well. And congrats to the other winners.