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So years ago,when the digital delivery was introduced,I was happy:digital delivery,for me,was a way to buy games cheapest.
And so,for many ways,it is today,with the Steam sales,Gog sales and so on.
But...I didn't consider DRM and DLC.
Once upon a time there were expansion sets,that were (not always,but often) good products,giving the player more of the same for a good amount of playing time (sometimes 20 or 30 hours).
Now there are DLC,this crappy things that gives player cutted content from the main game for A LOT of money.
Take Mass Effect 2 and all his DLC...
DRM,by the way,is a plague:I didn't know Securom until I bought during last Steam sale, Batman Franchise.
I hate DRM,because you need a LOT of limitations to your game,especially the fact that you must always be connected in order to play (like Splinter Cell Convinction).

Now I appreciate the console games without online passes,DLC and similar stuff,like the Goty edition of Arkham City.
So once upon a time there was a boy who loves to buy digital copies of games for a few euro,now there is a man that want COMPLETE version of games on disc,so that he can fully play it without an internet connection (I didn't play multiplayer games generally).

Sad story :(
There is only one way to stop this. Dont buy DRM games or DLCs. I spent like 300 Dollars on steam, but as I became aware of how anoying it is ( I went to my hometown which has a a pretty bad conection), I stopped buying things in steam.Anyway, DLC's arent half as annoying as in game items (Even if they are inly cosmetic, like in Tf2).

Publishers can only sell if you are willing to buy, in the "digital sotfware republic" you vote with your wallet. If a game is shit or you dont like how its distributed, dont buy it, youll send a strong message to publishers/devs. I know its difficult because maybe we arent the majority of gamers, but stay strong( I feel that only ppl that take gaming semi seriously think this way, and we arent most pof the gamers).
Answer: Buy DRM-free and avoid DLC. :)
I thought the Mass Effect 2 DLC was very good, and I guess I'd ask for evidence that it was just stuff cut from the game?

edit: I mean the characters and quests, not the "spend real money for a fake gun" DLC. But I don't mind that, either; I'll never buy it, and the people who want it will, and thus we can all be happy.
Post edited September 30, 2012 by BadDecissions
DLC is not inherently bad though. Some DLC adds a good amount of content, and are not cut content sold for a few extra € on launch (like for an example the one for Dungeon Siege 3).