Posted March 07, 2011
Ok simple concept, what 5 games (they don't need to be in order, just the 5 you want most) from ye olde locker of games gone past, would you like to see GoG work on releasing for you to pick up all DRM free and enjoy for the countless hours you already once spent as a child/young adult, all over again!
I suppose I should start this off, and it actually wasn't as easy as I thought, to limit to 5 awesome games of time gone by, but I eventually came up with this list, you may agree on some points, probably not on most, but hey who knows, enough likeminded people mentioning the same game... perhaps we can nudge those devs in the right directions.
So my list would be:
~The Journeyman Project 3 (I loved BiT, played the JP3 demo years back, always wanted the full game, if GoG made this dream come true I'd have their collective babies, even if I don't have the right plumbing to do so, I'd give it a darn good try)
~Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - I'm sure this needs no extras as to the whys and wherefors.
~Grim Fandango - Don't judge me, I loved this game, hell I like point and click adventure games in general, this one just sticks in my mind for some reason and would love to have my own copy to play again.
~Day Of The Tentacle - 'nuff said
~Now for number 5 I couldn't think of one single game, but I couldn't stop myself thinking about a group of games... and feel free to flame me from this point on, it's kind of two sets of games, basically all the old Star Trek games (Things like Judgement Rites, 25th Anniversary etc) and also some of the old Star Wars games, things that could be released in packs, I'm sure many would think "what is he on?????" but to be honest, I remember boring wet days indoors, sat at the computer, playing these old "big name" games and thoroughly wasting away a weekend before I'd even noticed.
I suppose I should start this off, and it actually wasn't as easy as I thought, to limit to 5 awesome games of time gone by, but I eventually came up with this list, you may agree on some points, probably not on most, but hey who knows, enough likeminded people mentioning the same game... perhaps we can nudge those devs in the right directions.
So my list would be:
~The Journeyman Project 3 (I loved BiT, played the JP3 demo years back, always wanted the full game, if GoG made this dream come true I'd have their collective babies, even if I don't have the right plumbing to do so, I'd give it a darn good try)
~Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines - I'm sure this needs no extras as to the whys and wherefors.
~Grim Fandango - Don't judge me, I loved this game, hell I like point and click adventure games in general, this one just sticks in my mind for some reason and would love to have my own copy to play again.
~Day Of The Tentacle - 'nuff said
~Now for number 5 I couldn't think of one single game, but I couldn't stop myself thinking about a group of games... and feel free to flame me from this point on, it's kind of two sets of games, basically all the old Star Trek games (Things like Judgement Rites, 25th Anniversary etc) and also some of the old Star Wars games, things that could be released in packs, I'm sure many would think "what is he on?????" but to be honest, I remember boring wet days indoors, sat at the computer, playing these old "big name" games and thoroughly wasting away a weekend before I'd even noticed.