Gundato: For the record, I actually really like how Ubi has handled the new M&M universe.
The old one was (sort of) at a point where it could easily be considered over.
So they made a new one, and made a set of games that intertwine in ways that are only comparable to the recent Tom Clancy games (also Ubi :p). The events of the HoMM lead to Dark Messiah. I think even the DS game is involved.
Very fun.
Yes, Ubisoft started a new Might and Magic story involving dragons, and real demons instead of aliens.
The old one was at a point where it easily could have continued, world that the last few games took place on was destroyed and Might and Magic IX and Heroes IV took place on the new world.
The events of HoMM V leads to Dark Messiah, and Clash of Heroes is a prequel.
The old Might and Magic games are still great, and the story was good, but I must admit Ubisoft's games are good too, granted they have nothing to do with the old ones other than the name, and somewhat the game-play in Heroes. But also remember, NWC made quite a few spin-off's when they were with 3DO.