megrendel: <snip>
Bluekkis: Fullscreen resolution is set to normal aspect resolution, which is probably native for the game. Change it to monitors native resolution or set either your monitor or gfx driver to do aspect scaling instead of stretch.
As I put in my EDIT2 above, I think that is what "fullscreen=original" will set DosBox to automatically do. If I am understanding the
wiki correctly, this setting will have DosBox force the monitor into the closest resolution to the native output resolution that the monitor can handle:
"fullresolution = width x height | original
The resolution to use for fullscreen. If original is specified, DOSBox will try to switch the screen resolution to best match the resolution request by the application. For example, if a game in DOSBox is requesting a graphics screen resolution of (320 x 240) while your desktop is (1280 x 1024), DOSBox will perform the switch or try other resolutions that closely matches it, e.g. (400 x 300) if (320 x 240) is not available.
Default is original."
But, yeah, one can also force the resolution with this field. However, that will necessarily reduce the 'sharpness' the OP requested, unless the forced resolution is identical to the video output resolution, or the aspect ratio is an even multiple of the output resolution (such that one output pixel becomes 4, 9, 16, or etc actual pixels).