Karlallen: You two don't really think I put that much thought into it did you? I
could but that stinks of effort.
hobbes543: You do realize it was a rhetorical question. Of course I don't think you put that much thought into it.
Thought you might have... Especially as mine was a rhetorical question as well. Ah, good times :)
Wecs were originally found in the swamp lands around the Amazon jungle were they struggled in short dangerous lives. They were surrounded by natural predator's, snakes, cats and so on, and had to fight for survival. Mainly herbivorous the male Wec, or "Bull", would often eat other Bull Wecs during the mating season; any male that lost as mating challange was considered weak and was killed. Though smaller the female Wecs were much more vicious and would often attack the Bull that won a mating challange. This lead to a small population that was constantly on the edge of extinction.
In the 1890's explorer through the Amazon discovered this remarkable animal and thought to domestic them as pets. However on the journey back to civilization the Wec escaped from their cages to the surprise of the explorers. Through careful observation that noted with astonishment that the Wec's opened the cage locks with their tails. This in turn lead to the Wec Lock.
Having escaped into a much tamer environment the Wec population flourished and with the better living conditions and food scraps the Wecs also increased in size to that of a average domesticated cat. The number, ferocity and size of the Wecs became so alarming that specialist trappers were called in. These "Lockers of Wecs" had the ineviable task of capturing these aggressive and territorial mammels to try and thin the population back to reasonable levels.