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So yeah, Lately Ive been into rpgs with strong party based combat involved. The games I usually play are Avernum-Escape from the Pit and Geneforge series so a few of the games from spiderweb software but no Avadon. However, Temple of Elemental Evil is the next game on my list to play once I kill the emperor in Avernum as that is a game which has evaded me for as long as I can remember.

From there, I really dont know of any GOOD turnbased games that are made or on good old games or other sites.

Fallout 1 and 2, I never liked as guns are the only way to go, and the infinity engine games are real time, so thats out. The sad truth is that there really arent any turnbased games that are worth playing.

Eschalon Series is ok, but nothing to write home about as it isnt party based like what I want.

Does anyone know of any good turnbased games made by a company or some company that still makes oldschool party rpgs other than ones listed?
This question / problem has been solved by uchosimage
theonlyone: So yeah, Lately Ive been into rpgs with strong party based combat involved. The games I usually play are Avernum-Escape from the Pit and Geneforge series so a few of the games from spiderweb software but no Avadon. However, Temple of Elemental Evil is the next game on my list to play once I kill the emperor in Avernum as that is a game which has evaded me for as long as I can remember.

From there, I really dont know of any GOOD turnbased games that are made or on good old games or other sites.

Fallout 1 and 2, I never liked as guns are the only way to go, and the infinity engine games are real time, so thats out. The sad truth is that there really arent any turnbased games that are worth playing.

Eschalon Series is ok, but nothing to write home about as it isnt party based like what I want.

Does anyone know of any good turnbased games made by a company or some company that still makes oldschool party rpgs other than ones listed?
Have you played Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land? I played it, it's awesome :)
When you say no to Avadon did you mean not trying or tried but it wasn't good enough? I haven't tried any of the Avernum or Geneforge but I thought Avadon was awesome, I even liked the graphics but I may have lower standards on the latter. If you haven't tried it I highly recommend it, it's got a thrilling storyline where decisions affect the interactions of other NPCs and outcomes and the combat is fun but a wee bit simple because of the limited 3 max party members (including main character).

About Eschalon, did you finish them? I tried the 2nd for a while but I didn't finish it.

I haven't played TTOEE myself but I recommend the standard version of Circle of Eight in case you haven't heard of it, apparently fixes some issues and adds some neats content (altough I don't know how much about content in the standard edition).
Post edited September 18, 2012 by Nirth
Yeah I tried that. You really dont create your character you just play as an already made one/party. You are right and Im sure its a good game, but im extremely picky. Thats just like Betrayal at Krondor/The Krondor series, I would play the game as its an awesome concept but if I cant create my character then Im not going to play it.

Alot of these games have cool concepts but are otherwise boring in every other area.
Nirth: When you say no to Avadon did you mean not trying or tried but it wasn't good enough? I haven't tried any of the Avernum or Geneforge but I thought Avadon was awesome, I even liked the graphics but I may have lower standards on the latter. If you haven't tried it I highly recommend it, it's got a thrilling storyline where decisions affect the interactions of other NPCs and outcomes and the combat is fun but a wee bit simple because of the limited 3 max party members (including main character).

About Eschalon, did you finish them? I tried the 2nd for a while but I didn't finish it.

I haven't played TTOEE myself but I recommend the standard version of Circle of Eight in case you haven't heard of it, apparently fixes some issues and adds some neats content (altough I don't know how much about content in the standard edition).
Yeah, I dont mind Avadon but the game's strategy system is too tricky and melee is worthless compared to ranged combat which I dont find as fun. I did complete it once though. The problem with Avadon is that you really have no control over how you build your char. You build it the way jeff wants it, your alright. Otherwise if you dont max out dexterity and endurance, you are going to have a tough time.
Post edited September 18, 2012 by theonlyone
theonlyone: Yeah, I dont mind Avadon but the game's strategy system is too tricky and melee is worthless compared to ranged combat which I dont find as fun.
True but sometimes you will have to accept some weak parts, so few games are great in every aspect.

I'm curious, what's wrong with the infinity engine's real-time pause function? I know where's some options to add pause as soon as you seen an enemy and a round ends etc.. and it could at least create the illusion of turn based.

I assume you've already Heroes M&M games since you like turn-based but if you haven't and heavy role playing isn't a necessity I also highly recommend them.

BTW, about Avadon. You may be given a character you can't shape in the beginning but as I said your decisions define you as you play the game so I would at least give it a shot, at least if you're out of games. :)
Post edited September 18, 2012 by Nirth
Knights of the Chalice

Mechanics based on the OGL (DnD 3.5).
Very well implemented, interesting AI and encounter design, some of the best turn based combat I've played.

I hearlty recommend it.
Post edited September 18, 2012 by uchos
i started Planscpae: Torment last night and while its not turn-based, it does have auto-pause settings for almost all situations. effectivly making it a turn-based game. maybe others can share more, as im VERY new to the game.

ToEE is only ok... and you really DO need the fan-made-mods for it. the first level is possibly the most painful lvl 1 of any game ive played. your party is near-worthless int he beginning. again, the game is decent, at best.

Fallout Tactics would be a great choice.

ive had my eye on Jagged Alliance, but have yet to play them.
theonlyone: Yeah, I dont mind Avadon but the game's strategy system is too tricky and melee is worthless compared to ranged combat which I dont find as fun.
Nirth: True but sometimes you will have to accept some weak parts, so few games are great in every aspect.

I'm curious, what's wrong with the infinity engine's real-time pause function? I know where's some options to add pause as soon as you seen an enemy and a round ends etc.. and it could at least create the illusion of turn based.

I assume you've already Heroes M&M games since you like turn-based but if you haven't and heavy role playing isn't in issue I also highly recommend them.

BTW, about Avadon. You may be given a character you can't shape in the beginning but as I said your decisions define you as you play the game so I would at least give it a shot, at least if you're out of games. :)
Oh I know and I understand to accept Avadon, but the thing is I have Geneforge 3 and Avernum Escape from the Pit right now so Avadon is on the back burner. Like I said, I completed Avadon once and Avadon 2 is on the way anyway.

Like I said Im just more into Avernum and Geneforge games but was more looking to a company that has something else.
theonlyone: Yeah, I dont mind Avadon but the game's strategy system is too tricky and melee is worthless compared to ranged combat which I dont find as fun. I did complete it once though. The problem with Avadon is that you really have no control over how you build your char. You build it the way jeff wants it, your alright. Otherwise if you dont max out dexterity and endurance, you are going to have a tough time.
I finished the game playing on hard for the most part except against a few bosses I changed to normal and I can't say I had many issues altough it was still very challenging, I had to readjust my tactics once in a while.

Melee character was okay for my part, but they were more like a tank or a destraction while your assassin/mage dish out damage. I don't recall my stats choices but I do remember maxing the classes' specifics (as usual).
SapienChavez: i started Planscpae: Torment last night and while its not turn-based, it does have auto-pause settings for almost all situations. effectivly making it a turn-based game. maybe others can share more, as im VERY new to the game.

ive had my eye on Jagged Alliance, but have yet to play them.
I played through PST in March and I never used any of those auto-pause functions as I prefer to manually pause whenever I want to but I think they work if you want it more like turn based (especially the pause at combat start). The game isn't heavy on combat (altough you can choose to play it like that) so it's less of an issue.

About Jagged Alliance, I've also yet to play them, at least the 2nd as the first seem way too old school for me but either seems quite complex so I tried Back in Action first, which might be a good idea to try first considering the advantage of tutorial and streamlined interface. The new one is not turn-based though, it's real-time with pause. However, he did say Fallout only had guns available and aside for grenades and medicals I don't think JA is an options.
Post edited September 18, 2012 by Nirth
Nirth-"I'm curious, what's wrong with the infinity engine's real-time pause function? I know where's some options to add pause as soon as you seen an enemy and a round ends etc.. and it could at least create the illusion of turn based."

Here's the thing with real time for me. I used to play baldurs gate 1 and 2 and soloed both the games with a thief. But the thing was, I only did that because playing a whole party of 4-6 characters is the most annoying and incredibly frustrating way of playing a game. Once I started playing turnbased games I found that I like the games much more. I dont play real time games anymore.
uchos: Knights of the Chalice

Mechanics based on the OGL (DnD 3.5).
Very well implemented, interesting AI and encounter design, some of the best turn based combat I've played.

I hearlty recommend it.
This sounds interesting, and might be just what Im looking for. Im going to check into this.
Post edited September 18, 2012 by theonlyone
theonlyone: Like I said, I completed Avadon once and Avadon 2 is on the way anyway.

Like I said Im just more into Avernum and Geneforge games but was more looking to a company that has something else.
2nd on it's way?! Awesome! I have to send an e-mail to Jeff and ask about estimated release date.

I might be able to find something later but I'm quite new to turn-based myself, only really started playing them a few years ago except for Heroes M&M.

There's a few on the horizon like Project Eternity, Age of Decadence (beta available), Dead State, Wasteland 2 and some others.

Speaking of Knights of the Chalice, I have to try that, it looked interesting.
yea, Fallout has guns... wasnt sure what OP meant by that. want more fantasy style, like D&D? or a focus on melee?

However, if OP wants a turn-based game where melee is VERY viable, get Fallout: Tactics.

its strategic, turn-based, and melee is really fun and worthwhile. whats more?! R Lee Emery does a voice in it.
Post edited September 18, 2012 by SapienChavez
Nirth-"There's a few on the horizon like Project Eternity, Age of Decadence (beta available), Dead State, Wasteland 2 and some others."

Age of Decadence is one of those games that I dont even read up on, because I already have and am just waiting for it to come out for mac, so I can play it. The same goes for Dead State. Ive read up on them to the point where its not healthy to focus on them.

The avadon thing is when I spoke to jeff, Avadon might be out in less than a month for mac. So I guess thats good news for me, and you.
theonlyone: Fallout 1 and 2, I never liked as guns are the only way to go
Actually you can meele your way trough those games quite easily. The problem here is more that combat in F1 and 2 is hardly tactical.
theonlyone: Nirth-"There's a few on the horizon like Project Eternity, Age of Decadence (beta available), Dead State, Wasteland 2 and some others."

Age of Decadence is one of those games that I dont even read up on, because I already have and am just waiting for it to come out for mac, so I can play it. The same goes for Dead State. Ive read up on them to the point where its not healthy to focus on them.

The avadon thing is when I spoke to jeff, Avadon might be out in less than a month for mac. So I guess thats good news for me, and you.
Yeah, same here. I actually downloaded the AoD beta just to see how the game is and tried it for like 10 minutes. It seems good but it's somewhat hardware demanding.

Why specifically for mac? All platforms or only mac? I play on PC but I might have misunderstood you.