Posted December 07, 2010

i guess you can say that with magic anything is possible but that's irrelevant in this discussion which I considered quite serious. I am no incorrect on the matter I mentioned in my previous post
All government records should be available to the public.
That does not mean abandoning privacy. It does not mean looking at senator's Smith bathroom and checking what he reads when he is on toilet.
It is checking how much money he spent on official travels...
The DMV example: what are the salaries, how much money is wasted... what happens behind the closed doors.
public having access to some information might be at times unworkable or simply impractical (budget of lunch room in custom depot 3 in El Paso for example)
You are going to extremes so please stop that.
And what do you mean by "what happens behind the closed doors" at the DMV? Do you mean if Laura the photo lady thinks that Phil the brake-tester's comb-over looks fake? That could be important since it could cause a problem if she giggles at the wrong time.
And do you know why I keep "going to extremes"? Because the people who are arguing for "full transparency" likely don't know what they are asking for. They don't understand just what it is that this constitutes, and I suspect that they actually just want "more transparency", which will actually probably show that a lot of people on the other side agree with them.
You say the entire government. That is a grey area, once you consider contractors and the post office and the like. So specify. What parts of the government do you feel deserve no privacy whatsoever, and which ones are allowed to function?
And you say you don't want to look at Senator Smith's bathroom to see what he reads when he is on the toilet? What if that has a major impact on policy. I mean, clearly we need to know if a Diplomat thinks someone is an idiot (even if they have no intention of ever letting said someone know). What if Senator Smith is reading Rand? What if he is reading Camus? Won't that have an impact on how he does his job, and shouldn't we all be made aware of it under a "full transparency" government?
Or, god forbid, what if he is reading something in the 40k universe and decides that chainswords are freaking awesome? :p

EDIT: slow posting at work, getting behind on the convo lol.
Let's say you make a joke about blowing up President Papa Smurf. BAM, you are taken away. Where is the government secrecy involved in that?
Post edited December 07, 2010 by Gundato