Posted May 29, 2011
1) You still voted for DRM free by helping to make the GOG version hopefully a good seller. It is still the only version that was DRM free for release, which means it is the only version where the statement "I am buying this one for DRM free purposes" was made.
2) We pretty much knew for sure the DRM would be removed from all versions eventually, just like the original Witcher. The only thing surprising was how fast that occurred. Since the main issue with DRM is the longevity of the product, the fact it would be patched out anyway made the boxed copy pretty justifiable (to me anyway) despite GOG's "DRM free" exclusivity.
3) As someone else said, what was their alternative? The DRM was causing performance issues and they knew they would patch the DRM out eventually. Since the game was already on torrent sites why not just patch it out now? That decision was surprising and motivated by their underestimating the effect of DRM on framerate, but it was still the best decision for their customers which is something we should applaud.
I do get where you are coming from and I am glad I went with the boxed version since the DRM was removed anyway, so I know what you mean. That said I don't think CDP could have acted any better under the circumstances.
If at least they would have came off saying "well from the sales of GOG we see people willing to support no DRM so we chose option B (remove DRM) in order to fix the DRM caused problems". I actually really wonder just how "many" were the sales here.
What's worse is people saying the pirates play the drm-free version as a reason to remove drm from the rest. Normally that would be an awesome message, but when we know the version pirates are playing is the GOG one then I'm not really sure it sends the right message to the publishers.
As to what alternative I would propose. Well clearly since I got it here for the DRM free I support removing DRM from all version. But considering they get very little money from retail comparing to digital and even less if you compare it with getting it digital directly from them, not Steam or other DD store, they could have done something more for people here. I mean less than 2 weeks after release their marketing campaign on GOG doesn't hold water anymore. Because of it they could spend some of that extra money and reward their customers. And extra game code in the mail. Or even better (my preference, not generally better) some GOG stickers and stuff in the RL mail. I still have some from the fighter contest and I liked them, the insignia also :)
No personal attacks. Just refuting him without bothering to understand. And it was not just this topic, not a single occurrence. The thing is he is right. From his point of view he has the right to feel the way he does. And everyone is basically telling him he's wrong. He's really not.
Post edited May 29, 2011 by Aningan