Gundato: And, of course, using Steamworks gives them full integration of a web browser,
That's what our new PC game needs: A web browser!
Gundato: support for cloudy goodness (persistent stuff),
For which savegames, exactly?
Gundato: a good server browser, potential to use VAC,
I'll give you those two.
Gundato: a very large userbase already,
You mean the game will be given free to all existing Steam users? Because that's the only way that sentence made sense.
Gundato: and support for all the community crap Steam is trying to add.
Yay! Facebook! Note that the key word in your description was "crap".
Gundato: In exchange, they lose people who don't have Steam accounts and are morally opposed to getting them.
There's nothing immoral about using Steam. It's simply a question of how much you're willing to be inconvenienced for the sake of playing a game.