rampancy: Whether you accuse people of "Retro Gamer Elitism", or actually buy into that, it all comes from the same place where "
Modern Gamer Elitism" comes from. There are modern-day games that are very good, and modern-day games that are very bad...just as how there are indie retro games that are very good, and indie retro games that are very bad.
People who don't see that almost seem like they're just blinded by their own fanboyism.
+1 for truth. Anyone who thinks one "era" of gaming is greater than another is just missing the point. Mainstream gaming may be more popular today than it ever was (and thus heavily influenced by shareholders/market demands/etc.), but that doesn't mean there aren't ton of interesting and innovative titles with interesting messages and mechanics.
It's the same as when people say, "The music in my day was so much better." Whatever, grandpa.