retro_gamer: P.S. Anyone knows how to rotate the camera??
The Q and E keys on an American keyboard. It showed up for me during the training, intro mission when my last guy had to kill the final sectoid, and the angle would have been weird with the default camera.
I just played through the demo, and beyond it feeling very short, I was really impressed and liked it a lot. There were a couple of things I would have liked to figure out - I don't know if I could change the people in my team in the demo, but I couldn't figure out a way to before going on the mission. I could select individual people and swap them out for someone else. I also never got to use my sniper in the second mission, which was too bad. But that was a positioning thing not the game's fault.
(SPOILERS for the demo)
I also couldn't figure out if there was some way to stun or knock out the thin men at the end of the second mission like the scientist asked me to, so I just killed both of them and they exploded into poison gas, which caught my veteran guy.
Anyway, I'm now really excited for the actual game, it is definitely something I think I can see myself getting really caught up in and not ever going to bed.