Posted March 20, 2011

It looks like the developer was rushed to release a Beta with intention of patching up during the months after release but the developer shut down.
At the begining you come across someone whom wrecked their car attempting to kill a giant spider. If you look at the broken car pieces "11114" appears above all of them.
You also see "11114" again if you open your extra actions menu (F key) the last selection, I don't know what it is but doesn't work and is labeled as "111114."
One of the people working on an unofficial patch stated they have yet to be able to correct a game fatale bug involving playing around with a lever before placing emblems in a door. Apparently if you don't have all the emblems but previously messed around with the lever, the door won't open when you finally do have all emblems in place.
Also, once again, I normally have about 200 megs of RAM free when running this game but the unofficial patch added to the Beam Dog version drained my RAM down to nothing and the game hitched in an eternal loading sequence.

I though it was a hack job.
Like someone damaged or left behind some dlls while attempting to crack the data from an original disk and then quickly and sloppily translated it in an Ed Wood's fashion were first attempt was best attempt and there was no looking back or second takes.
I mean it may be possible that the localization could've damaged it this much.
I'm wondering if Beam Dog's copy is the same as GG's copy and if Beam Dog mighty actually be 'Naughty Dog'. XD