chautemoc: Being American is no decent excuse to be an arse. :P In this case it's a "you" thing vs. an American thing. :P
PS. A good troll isn't obvious about it.
stevenhwood: I knew when I wrote it I would take a lot of heat, especially from the Middle East, and yes I was right. But what is funny is how everyone accepted it, so I just became the person they wanted. The arrogant American. Was it right? No... And I apologize for my behavior. But GOG really needs to look at not having the downloader use Adobe Flash, code it in JavaScript, .NET, ASP.NET or C# any OOP language would be better than running off of Adobe Flash.
Every time someone like you posts like you have, you reinforce the stereotype of the "ugly American": brutally ignorant, completely self-oblivious, inappropriately arrogant and possessing an inordinate sense of entitlement. The next time you feel the need to do that, do the rest of your countrymen a favor and redirect your energies into something a bit more constructive, like pounding your head repeatedly and violently against a brick wall. You're more than likely to get the same results, which is to say no solution to your problem and a blinding headache.