Orryyrro: Might and Magic 6-pack
Hey, Orryyrro, does the M&M 6-pack come with a scan of the manuals? I have M&M 2, and, from what I remember, the spell quick reference was on the back of the manual. An additional form of copy protection in addition to the fact that Disk 1 had to be in A: of your PC.
The spells were were paired combinations of numbers, like to cast Earthquake was number key 6, then number key 2 (so 6-2 or something like that).
Oh, and don't attack Bozork the Ork, he has 255 orkish minions. That battle took an hour. I fell asleep at some point. Perhaps I wasn't supposed to attack him?
First purchase was UFO: Aftermath, and I'm about 50% through. Would have been further, but the game had missed me picking up a critical piece of gear. Had to start over - brought my party with me, though. Wasn't going to
completely start over because the game was bugged.
Edit: Getting on topic.