and I feel like the ROUNDS of combat are taking way too long.
It's unchanged from NWN1, so you're probably seeing something else.
One possibility is that you're feeling the increased HP of NWN2. In the first game of the series, you were either alone or had a single henchman helping you out, so the enemies you faced were accordingly weaker and often very easily killed. In NWN2, however, you tend to have an entire party of characters at your disposal so the enemies you face are accordingly stronger, hit points and all.
This changes the feel and flow of combat, even if the underlying rules and pacing are the same.
should I just give it a bit? I'm in the city of Neverwinter, by the way. I'm cleaning up the Docks district by bribing Watchguards and killing thugs. Anyone have any thoughts?
This is, in all honestly, the worst stretch of the original campaign. It's just a chain of unrelated quests made mandatory through some shoddy writing. I won't spoil anything for you, but it gets truly obnoxious how many hoops they make you jump through just to make a housecall to the Blacklake District. However, once you actually get into the Blacklake District you'll hit one of the most awesome story arcs in any CRPG. It's one of the reasons I love to hate NWN2 OC; it forces you through hell to get to nirvana.
As for advice, give Khelgar a good weapon and have a mage cast haste on him every fight (probably Qara at this point, unless you're also a wizard or sorcerer). Since you're fighting against the thieves,
do not use stuff like fireball; every enemy and their dog has evasion and there's a very high chance they'll just dodge your blast spells harmlessly. Focus either on buffing your fighters or smacking enemies with stuff that hits their weak fortitude and will saves (cloud of bewilderment and hold person are awesome).